STAR DREAM GIRL: Isabel Villar

Like a caterpillar in its cocoon, Isabel Villar is slowly making her way out of the sheltered casings of her life. Typically quiet and reserved, Ysa did her best to overcome her shyness. Now a VJ at QTV 11, the sister company of GMA 7, Ysa found herself sharing more and more of herself with others. “My work taught me to be outgoing and crazy in front of people I don’t even know,” gushes the 20-year-old lass. But at the end of the day, Ysa will always find her way back to her comfort zone — her room, which for her is her sanctuary. A self-proclaimed art aficionado, she poured her creative juices into her little “masterpiece.” “I just love my room!” excitedly enthuses Ysa. “I covered my bed with red velvet, just like a luxury cocoon. I also have a huge, huge mirror there.” And since Ysa is fascinated by paintings, she finds herself buying art pieces she wishes she can do. Spanish painter Salvador Dali’s surrealist works caught this young art critic’s discerning eye. “I also like upcoming young artists that paint pop culture,” furthers Ysa. Inside her sanctuary, she finds pleasure in watching movies, reading books and listening to music.

Her love for music and DJ-ing is perhaps her father’s biggest influence to Ysa. Dad Louie Villar, president of 105.1 Crossover, reminds her to make sure she’s truly happy with whatever she’s doing. Her mom Chuchi inspires her to be the best that she can be.

Classes have already started and Ysa proudly shares that she loves studying. “No kidding. I love to learn anything that exercises my brain,” she smiles. A Communications and Management junior at the Ateneo de Manila University, Ysa says she has a “crazy wild imagination. And I make my thoughts into reality.” Interestingly, the 5’5” charmer pays much attention to hygiene more than anything else. “I think that sometimes, people forget that smelling good or looking good is very important. It’s quite funny actually,” explains Ysa, a former Manila’s Five Loveliest. “I just have a certain respect for people who put a little more effort on themselves. It shows that they value themselves.”

Ysa may be heading towards a different direction from her childhood dream of being an astronaut and go places. But with lots of opportunities ahead of her, the shy girl slowly breaks out of her cocoon, unfolds her wings, flutters slowly at first but eventually flies high to see what the world has to offer. — Jerni May H. Camposano

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