Horoscope - December 8, 2000

This is a good day to relax and let your mind free-float with very little direction from the part of you who is always in charge. Your task-oriented efforts won’t work anyhow, so save yourself the effort. The childish nature in each of us emerges to tempt us away from anything that looks less than entertaining under the Scorpio moon. Make big career choices.

(March 21-April 19). Others need room to make their own mistakes. You could be evaluated for a raise. In love, don’t follow the rules; write your own. In career matters, follow guidelines set by someone who knows the ropes better than you do.

(April 20-May 20). New routines can be set with ease – it’s the perfect time to change it up. You will be able to stick to your own plan but not to someone else’s. Complete your work with extra attention to detail (you are being watched) l then play!

(May 21-June 21). Careful background work can turn a legal matter in your favor. When friends are unavailable, a mate is happy to receive more of your attention. Give children the chance to use their imagination. You may fall in love with an Aquarius.

(June 22-July 22). Self-improvement is the theme, but you don’t have to do it all at once. Concentrate on one area of your life at a time. You are able to use your creativity more than ever. A windfall next month happens because of your connections.

(July 23-Aug. 22). Love is a whirlwind. This is a day when you’ll explain, announce and persuade. On the job, realize that you have more to offer and make suggestions to those with influence. A Libra is a lucky love match for you.

. This is a prosperous year when you’re feeling flush enough to lavish yourself as well as others, too. Love is divine in January; the air signs, especially Gemini or Aquarius, are your best bets for long-term commitment, but the Pisces will provide the most poetry and dram. Your lucky numbers are: 6, 20, 51, 17 and 9.

(Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You’ll be too busy unless you remember not to take on the problems of the world. Even if you can’t take one this weekend, plan a nice, long, luxurious break before the month is over. The planning process will do you good, too!

(Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Increasing your investment will increase your returns. You can trust this new romance to hear your requests, but don’t criticize. A family member might ask you to lie, but there’s no reason to go against your moral code. Keep your convictions.

(Oct. 24-Nov. 21). A dashing, desirous urgency manifests itself in marvelous romantic gestures. Ignore one who tries to compete with you; you’re the leader. It may seem glamorous from the outside, but be glad you’re not in a friend’s position.

(Nov. 22-Dec. 21). A lucky meeting produces revenue. There are monetary limits on fun, but this should only be an incentive to the creative imagination. A thoughtful home life is a rich expression of love. Look within yourself for fulfillment.

(Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Emotional connections and appeals will be easily made. A person who is ill needs your compassion, not your sympathy. Aquarius friends are lucky – you could even fall in love with one! You’ll have more energy after forgiving a friend.

(Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Intuitively, you’re in the right place at the right time. Your behind-the-scenes power is more potent than your outward influence. Try the ideas of a young person. A mate mistakes your friendliness with someone new as flirting.

(Feb. 19-March 20). Appealing to the best in others results in lasting benefit; team players are winners. Career, property and possessions occupy you, but don’t let them run your life. Family comes to you for what they need; show consideration.

The new moon in expansive ,social, exciting Sagittarius Saturday allows us to reinvent ourselves at will – the new you meets with massive acceptance? Aries: You could get caught up in a love triangle, or square off, for that matter. Don’t be overly dramatic. Taurus: A driving force brings you back to an ex-mate. Gemini: If it’s not challenging, you are turned off; don’t discount someone who is truly interested in you. Cancer: Even if you stay home and watch videos, you’ll meet someone – it’s unavoidable. Leo: Breaking the rules has become your hobby, but you could pay a price for unromantic behavior. Virgo: Let it go; don’t plan, just wing it. Libra: Marriage and other kids of promises are emphasized. Scorpio: Your sex appeal is ever-so-hot, but use an extra dose of discretion. Sagittarius: You could covet a friend’s relationship; you should stay as far away from anything that temps you. Capricorn: Try not to give in to unreasonable favors when whispered words swing you into a romantic mood. Aquarius: You might think you’d like to be "just friends," but this is getting near impossible, make a decision. Pisces: Expand and learn; love becomes more accessible.

Cancer and Scorpio are water signs who feel extra confident and stunningly sensual under the Scorpio moon. These water signs build a private fantasy world together, which they are inclined to live in whether or not rest of the world understands or accepts it. Friday night features amazing sexual chemistry, which, when explored, has healing powers for the body and soul.

To find out more about Joyce Jillson and read her past columns, visit the Creators Syndicate web page at www.creators.com.

Copyright 2000 Joyce Jillson

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