LTFRB won’t dictate PUV brand in modernization program

A fleet of modernized jeepneys, equipped with Euro 4 engines, remains idle at the San Juan Rosario Transport Service Cooperative terminal in San Juan City on January 8, 2024.
STAR/ Michael Varcas

MANILA, Philippines — No specific vehicle brand or model would be required from transport cooperatives and operators under the public utility vehicle modernization program (PUVMP) of the government.

Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) Chairman Teofilo Guadiz made this clear yesterday, as he emphasized that the program requires only roadworthy or safe public utility vehicles (PUVs).

He said cooperatives and operators are free to choose whatever PUV model they wish to acquire based on the standards set under the PUVMP.

“It’s ultimately the choice of the cooperatives. The government has no say on the types of units cooperatives can buy or from which country to source them,” he said in Filipino.

Guadiz said that transport service entities may buy from local manufacturers approved by the Department of Trade and Industry or import from countries such as Japan or China.

“We also ensure that the primary aspect to consider in shifting to modern jeepneys is the safety and roadworthiness of the new jeepney units to provide better service to the commuters,” Guadiz said.

The LTFRB said 32 models of modern jeepneys are currently operating in the country, including locally manufactured and assembled units.

The Board increased the equity subsidy for modernized units to P280,000 from the previous P160,000 in October 2023.

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