EU provides P30.3 million for Egay humanitarian response

The assistance is EU’s immediate response to the urgent humanitarian needs caused by Typhoon Egay.
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MANILA, Philippines — The European Union is providing an initial 500,000 euros (approximately P30.3 million) in humanitarian funding to support relief efforts following extensive devastation caused by Typhoon Egay (international name Doksuri).

The assistance is EU’s immediate response to the urgent humanitarian needs caused by Typhoon Egay.

The funding will provide life-saving assistance, including emergency shelter and shelter repair, clean water and sanitation, to those most affected by the disaster.

The assistance will be provided in the most affected areas of Luzon, within it the regions of Cagayan Valley, the Ilocos region and Cordillera Administrative Region.

“The EU expresses its swift and unwavering support to the Filipino people during the aftermath of typhoon Doksuri, which resulted in extensive devastation and tragic loss of lives in the Philippines,” said EU Commissioner for crisis management Janez Lenar?i?.

“Without delay, we have initiated emergency relief efforts in close collaboration with our humanitarian partners to aid those affected during this challenging period. These efforts will complement and be done in coordination with ongoing national and local relief efforts,” he said.

Humanitarian partners are already on the ground assessing needs and providing initial assistance. The funding announced on Saturday by the EU will enable its partners to significantly step up their assistance to the affected populations.

European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen is visiting the country from July 31 to Aug. 1. She will be the first European Commission president to ever pay an official visit to the Philippines in almost six decades of diplomatic relations.

Von der Leyen is visiting the country at the invitation of President Marcos. The two leaders met during the EU-ASEAN Commemorative Summit in December 2022 which was held in Brussels.

The visit aims to give new impetus to EU-Philippines bilateral relations and engage in discussions on matters of mutual interest, in particular in the areas of trade, the green and digital transition and security.

The EU has provided over 158 million euros in humanitarian aid and disaster preparedness funding in the Philippines since 1996. Through this, the EU has worked to reduce the impact of natural hazards and strengthen the capacities of communities to prepare for future events.

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