Filipino lawmaker receives nuclear advocacy recognition

MANILA, Philippines — The American Nuclear Society (ANS) awarded Rep. Mark Cojuangco (Pangasinan, 2nd District) of the "Distinguished Public Service Award" on June 12 for his advocacy for nuclear energy and addressing the Philippines' energy crisis.

He is the first Asian and Filipino to receive the accolade, which is given to public servants who demonstrate leadership in the development of energy policies, public enlightenment and major national or worldwide contributions to the improvement of humanity.

Cojuangco currently chairs the House Special Committee on Nuclear Energy, which is tasked with drafting legislation about nuclear power, constructing the infrastructure needed, and assuring cost-competitiveness.

He also calls for the revival of the controversial Bataan Nuclear Power Plant, the nation's first attempt at nuclear energy development and has been sitting idle since its completion in 1986.

Meanwhile, Cojuangco said that this acknowledgment underscores the Philippines' efforts to accept nuclear energy as a workable and sustainable power source.

"I consider this recognition both as a motivation and a greater responsibility to continue advancing safe, clean, and affordable electricity for every Filipino. Carrying this award, I am fueled by a stronger desire to push our nation toward the realization of reliable," Cojuangco said.

For Alpas Pinas, a nuclear energy advocacy group in the Philippines to whom Cojuangco is a member, the significance of the award extends beyond the lawmaker's individual accomplishment."

As the Philippines faces a pressing energy crisis and a need to explore sustainable energy options, nuclear energy emerges as a promising solution," Alpas Pilipinas Convenor Gayle Certeza said.

"Cong. Cojuangco's recognition by the ANS highlights the country's potential to harness nuclear energy, offering reliable, safe, and affordable energy while reducing our reliance on fossil fuels," she added.

The ANS, the world's leading organization for nuclear sciences and technology, held its annual meeting and opening plenary in Indianapolis, USA this year. — Intern, Bless Aubrey Ogerio

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