

Boost tourism businesses post-pandemic – Gibo

The Philippine Star

MANILA, Philippines — Senatorial candidate and former defense secretary Gilbert “Gibo” Teodoro urged the government to boost support for tourism-related enterprises as the sector starts its recovery with the easing of COVID-19 restrictions in the country and opening of borders to foreign tourists.

“This is the time that we have to offer customized loans that will help businesses in the tourism sector. They were reluctant to tap lending facilities before because their operation is not making profit as tourism activities have not yet recovered,” Teodoro said.

He also saw the need for retraining and upskilling of the workforce in the tourism sector to cater to the changing needs and services of tourists due to the ongoing pandemic.

The former Tarlac lawmaker and 1989 Bar topnotcher is also pushing for continued investments in infrastructure, especially tourism-related projects like roads, airports and seaports to improve on connectivity to and from tourist destinations as well as hospitals and other emergency medical facilities.

“Tourism is an income opportunity for our country and supporting the sector will create more jobs and livelihood for Filipinos, especially those in the rural areas,” Teodoro stressed.

Eleazar among most preferred Senate bets

Meanwhile, Senate bet Gen. Guillermo Eleazar remains one of the most preferred candidates to win in the May 9 elections, an online survey has revealed.

Eleazar garnered 15.46 percent of the votes and ranked 10th out of 64 senatorial candidates in a non-commissioned online survey conducted by website Go Philippines last April 29 and 8th (26.44 percent) in a survey conducted by the same group during the first half of the month.

If elected, the former police chief will prioritize legislation on enhancing peace and order, ensuring public health and safety, strengthening and developing job and food security, and empowering the youth sector.

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