With start of local campaigning, PNP reminds local election candidates to follow protocols

This file photo shows the Philippine National Police headquarters
The STAR, file

MANILA, Philippines — The Philippine National Police reiterated its call Tuesday for election candidates to strictly adhere to the protocol in conducting campaign rallies, assemblies, and related political activities.

In a statement sent to reporters, the PNP said that as the campaign period for local candidates begins March 25, poll bets and their supporters are reminded to observe discipline while in a large crowd.

Despite the Commission on Elections dropping the permit requirement for candidates mounting political rallies under Alert Levels 1 and 2, the PNP said that organizers must not be complacent.

“They should make sure that proper coordination with authorities concerned to assist them in the security and crowd control,” Police Gen. Dionardo Carlos, PNP chief said.

A less stringent cap for rally attendees in areas with lower alert levels has also been announced by the Comelec, but the PNP said it was "particularly concerned about the safety of the attendees."

“Please avoid bringing huge sums of money, jewelry, items of value, and small children,” Carlos cautioned the public.

With the start of local campaigning, the PNP said that it is expecting this may fuel a more intense political rivalry.

It added that local police units and stations are undergoing recalibration of an on-the-ground assessment in their areas of responsibility.

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