Metro Manila at 'moderate risk' with increase in COVID-19 cases after Christmas week

Catholic faithfuls pray at the premise of Our Lady of the Abandoned in Marikina City on Maundy Thursday, April 1, 2021.
The STAR/Michael Varcas

MANILA, Philippines — With an increase in COVID-19 cases recorded during Christmas week, Metro Manila is now classified as moderate risk, OCTA Research said Friday.

OCTA Research reported an increase in risk classification from very low risk from December 16 to 22 to moderate risk from December 23 to 29.

The shift in risk classification was attributed to more new COVID-19 cases, from a 7-day average of 79 to a 7-day average of 215.

There was also an increase in incidence or average daily attack rate (ADAR) from 0.56 per day per 100,000 to 1.52 per day per 100,000.

'Not surprising'

OCTA Research said this incident is "not surprising because of the increased number of holiday gatherings during the week of the holiday."

The think tank highlighted the need to prevent the increase of COVID-19 cases in Metro Manila from becoming another surge of infections.

"At this time, it is still uncertain if there will be a continued increase in the number of new COVID-19 cases, or if this number will drop back down once the holidays are over," the report read.

With this, OCTA urged LGUs to improve and expand their testing and contact tracing, as well as reactivating isolation facilities that were temporarily shut down.

OCTA also said the national and local governments should accelerate vaccinations and booster programs, especially in areas outside Metro Manila.

"The LGUs must implement strict local border controls, particularly for travelers coming from moderate to high risk areas," OCTA said.

The think tank also warned that new COVID-19 cases may breach the 1,500-mark on Thursday as Metro Manila logs more infections. — Patricia Lourdes Viray

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