TUCP to call center agents: Join labor unions
September 9, 2014 | 12:12pm
MANILA, Philippines - Labor group Trade Union Congress of the Philippines (TUCP) on Tuesday called on workers in the information technology-business process management (IT-BPM) sector to join or create labor unions.
The TUCP made the statement after the number of call center agents ballooned to over a million.
“I encourage yuppies particularly those in call centers to join or create unions so they can have a voice in their work and negotiate a contract like fair and safe workplace, better wages, a secure retirement or separation pay, family-oriented policies such as paid sick leave and other benefits,” Gerard Seno, executive vice president of the Associated Labor Unions-TUCP (ALU-TUCP) said.
He said call center workers are considered as vulnerable or precarious workers because of the delicate nature of their jobs so they must be compensated accordingly.
“Workers in the call center industry are also considered one of the most vulnerable workers because they work at night when their bodies are supposed to sleep. Customer service representatives, for example, interact mostly with stressful customers. So they should get more in terms of wages and benefits because of the precarious characteristics of their work. They can maximize what they can get through a union. And we have union organizers who will assist them in every step of the way,” Seno added.
“Management today should look at forming unions as a way to promote productive workforce that provides better services and products. They should treat unions as a way of meeting the needs of their workforce in this modern age of flexible and non-traditional work environments. As far as ALU is concerned, gone are the days when unions are perceived obstructionist,” Seno said.
The IT-BPM industry generated $15 billion in revenues last year with employment reaching 1.04 million workers by the end of the month.
As a growing industry, Seno urged management and human resource head personnel to allow workers wanting to create or join a union.
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