European Union offers help to 'Glenda' victims

European Union Ambassador to the Philippines Guy Ledoux. file

MANILA, Philippines - The European Union (EU) on Wednesday expressed solidarity with the the victims of typhoon "Glenda" that rammed southern Luzon and the Bicol region. 

EU Ambassador to the Philippines Guy Ledoux said that a team of ECHO humanitarian aid officers in Manila is currently monitoring incidents and assessing the damage of the extreme weather event. 

"The European Union stands ready to assist families affected by typhoon Glenda," Ledoux said in a statement. 

British Ambassador Asif Ahmad, meanwhile, expressed concern for those in vulnerable areas. 

Ahmad advised British nationals and Filipinos who have relatives in the United Kingdom to let their family members know they are safe. 

"If you can text or email family and friends to say you're okay, it will reassure them. UK will wake up with news of Glenda and worry about you," he said in a Twitter post. 

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