Dolphy's condition continues to improve

Manila, Philippines -  The medical condition of King of Comedy Dolphy continues to improve but his kidneys remain weak, his doctors at the Makati Medical Center reported yesterday.

“Mr. Quizon’s vital signs have continued to improve but again he is still in critical condition. So he is still at the intensive care unit. He has been cleared of the pneumonia and he rested from dialysis and blood transfusion today,” said Dr. Eric Nubla, head of the hospital’s patient relations office.

“Also some of his medicines are slowly being withdrawn according to how much of these he needs,” he noted.

According to Nubla, doctors have also ruled out Metabolic encephalopathy in Dolphy’s case as he became lucid.

“Metabolic encephalopathy, a condition which we mentioned previously, has been ruled out because he is more lucid. The mini seizures that he used to experience have also stopped completely,” he said.

Nubla said the concern of the doctors now is Dolphy’s weak kidneys and his infection. Although doctors have cleared the 83-year old comedian of pneumonia, he has contracted an infection, which Nubla said could be upper respiratory in nature.

“He remains in the ICU indefinitely because his kidney function is still low. It is at 10 percent. He is also being monitored closely, and at this point, he has developed an infection because his immune system is still weak,” he explained.

“The infection is not specified but if you are immuno compromised it is very easy to get respiratory tract infection such as a simple code. It might be respiratory,” he added.

Nubla said the kidneys should be working at 100 percent.

“It should be ideally 100 percent. It is significant to have these improvements but it is still low. That is why he needs dialysis. It can still be improved,” he said.

Nubla said Dolphy continues to be responsive despite being not able to speak.

“He cannot speak because he had tracheotomy. He has a tube in his neck. He manages to communicate by gestures. It is an improvement because he has been asleep for a time since the came to the hospital,” he said.

Nubla however could not confirm reports that Dolphy had sent actress Zsa Zsa Padilla an “I love you” text message.

Meanwhile, Nubla said Dolphy would remain indefinitely at the ICU pending further improvements in his condition.

“That all depends on the doctors whether his condition would warrant it. We could not speculate at this point when he could be transferred to a regular room,” he said.

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