Abad hints working with P-Noy may have taken toll on daughter

MANILA, Philippines - Budget Secretary Florencio Abad hinted yesterday that having to work with President Aquino may have taken its toll on his daughter, Secretary Julia Abad of the Presidential Management Staff (PMS), who now prefers a more “predictable life.”

“Of course, there is a new element in her life now. She is a mother and she certainly wants a predictable life because as you know the work supporting the President is a work that has no schedule, because you are on call,” he told Palace reporters.

“She may need some adjustments in her life, I don’t know if it that includes adjustment in her work schedule,” Abad said, evading categorical answers about the possibility of an impending Cabinet revamp, with Energy Secretary Rene Almendras taking over PMS.

The Cabinet secretary pointed out that while Julia may be his daughter, she has a life of her own, downplaying reports she and her French-husband may be relocating to Washington, where he is assigned at the World Bank.

Abad acknowledged, however, that he would have no say about the couple’s decision.

“Insofar as flying to the US, I don’t think that is true. Although she is my daughter she has her own plans. But I think they’ll be still around. So, I don’t know if they have changed their plans,” he said.

“Insofar as changes to the Cabinet, I will leave it to the President to answer that because as far as I know, there are no movements yet,” the former Batanes congressman and education secretary said, playing coy about Cabinet movements.

Almendras and the young Abad have apparently started transitional talks following reports that Almendras would be moving over to Malacañang from the Department of Energy.

The STAR spotted Almendras and Abad in a luncheon meeting on Monday that lasted more than two hours at a hotel in Pasay City.

When sought for comment, Almendras sidestepped the issue that he was being appointed to the top PMS post. “I am not aware of that,” he said. “I serve (at) the pleasure of the President.”

Abad also did not comment on the reports.

Almendras, who was in the private sector before his appointment to the Cabinet, said whatever changes might happen in the next few days or weeks under President Aquino are meant to ensure better government management.

“We are over the hump... Cabinet must work together,” he said. “Whatever changes in the Cabinet (it will be for the) better in running the government.”

Sources said Aquino has been wooing Almendras to Malacañang to help him in managing the Office of the President in a more professional manner.

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