Roco charms, impresses businessmen in dialogue

Presidential candidate Raul Roco "charmed and impressed" businessmen belonging to the umbrella organization Philippines, Inc. during a two-hour dialogue yesterday.

The former secretary of education was the third presidential contender to face members of Philippines, Inc., after action star Fernando Poe Jr. and Sen. Panfilo Lacson.

"The first candidate... charmed us; the second one, impressed us, but you (Roco) charmed and impressed us with your intelligence," said Jose Manuel "Babe" Romualdez, executive vice president of Philippines, Inc.

Roco told the businessmen that he is seeking the presidency because of "honor and glory," which every Filipino aspires for.

"All of us would want to be remembered for contributions to the honor of the Philippines," he said.

"You can keep the money for those who aspire for money... No nation has grown without a sense of humor, and that’s what we lack today. Many leaders have no sense of shame," Roco said.

He said if he becomes president, he will implement "a truly 100 percent free public education" at the primary and secondary levels through more classrooms and textbooks.

"Education has a crippling and permanent effect when it is given badly," he said.

Roco said he will set up a Student Loan Authority for the "Study Now, Pay Later" program, and speed up the implementation of the program of open universities and distance education to allow students to get diplomas without attending regular classes.

"Education is the key to growth, and leadership is the engine to that growth," he said. "If we want the Philippines to develop, we must find a credible and honest leader who is prepared to apply for the presidency."

Asked about the population program, Roco said poverty is causing the country’s population to grow at a fast phase. "The cause of (population) is poverty," he said.

"They have more children because they are poor. They cannot entertain themselves. They can only entertain themselves by the most available methods... That’s why we must give them things to do."

He would push for the protection of the reproductive health of women by keeping couples informed about family planning issues, he added.

Asked how he would lead a country with a "militant bureaucracy," Roco said he intends to be a "transparent" leader to get the support of civil servants.

"We must have zero tolerance for corruption, I am not saying eliminate corruption because you cannot, but zero tolerance for corruption...," he said.

"There is more money for the farmers, more money for the students, more money for the teachers, if you (minimize) corruption."

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