Imagine Dragons composes original single for 'Transformers: Age of Extinction'

Imagine Dragons composes single “Battle Cry” for “Transformers: Age of Extinction.”-PR Photo 

MANILA, Philippines - Imagine Dragons' original song "Battle Cry" was used in critical and important scenes in the “Transformers: Age of Extinction.”

The group composed by Dan Reynolds (vocals), Wayne Sermon (guitar), Ben McKee (bass), and Daniel Platzman (drums) worked on the song “Battle Cry” specially for the Transformers sequel.

“We’re incredibly lucky that Dan, Wayne, Ben and Daniel were available to work with us,” says Bay.

“I remember being drawn to the emotion of ’Demons’ and ’Radioactive’ the first time I heard those songs, and I knew I wanted that same energy and heart for this movie. They’ve created a really epic, otherworldly sound for Battle Cry.”

Aside from an original single, the group also worked with the film's musical composer Jablonsky and with Hans Zimmer for an original musical score for the film.

“Transformers” fans in Hong Kong will have bene privilege of watching the Imagine Dragons perform the song live on the film's premier on June 19.

The movie opens in Philippine cinemas starting June 25.


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