JK Labajo looks back at late mom as inspiration

Singer-actor JK Labajo
Photo release

MANILA, Philippines — It has been over a decade since Juan Karlos Labajo's mom passed on, but the singer-actor still keeps her in his heart, even saying a prayer for her every time he goes up on stage. 

Juan Karlos or JK has become one of the most promising multi-talented stars in the country. 

JK has had a string of successful hits, such as "Buwan" and "Ere," while also delving into acting. He is set to reprise his role on "High Street," the continuation story of "Senior High," a hit series that stars equally talented young stars like himself. 

Despite his busy schedule, the young man does not forget to remember his late mother.

"Every time before I go on stage, I always say a little prayer with my mom... But I do believe na she's somewhere out there in the crowd," he told journalist Jeff Canoy. 

His mother died when he was 12 in November 2013. 

JK will be among the guests of "Tao Po," a news magazine show on ABS-CBN. 

Apart from him, the show's Mother's Day special will also feature journalist Victoria Tulad talking to actress Dimples Romana on her challenges as a mother of three as well as Noli de Castro's interview with a mother who single-handedly cares for her two children with disabilities. It airs later today at 6:15 p.m.

RELATED: JK Labajo pauses concert to take care of 2-month-old baby from crowd

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