Take a bow, Josh!

Aside from promoting Penshoppe, Bowman graced the #PenshoppeHollywood party held at 71 Gramercy last Saturday night. He came with his girlfriend, Revenge co-star Emily Vancamp.  

Here to drum up for Penshoppe which he’s endorsing is Josh Bowman, one of the main cast members of the hit ABC suspense TV series Revenge in which he has been playing Daniel Grayson since 2011 opposite Emily Vancamp, said to be his girlfriend who has kept herself away from the local media since the promo is for the clothing line and not for the TV show.

Josh, who turned 26 last March 4, was born in Berkshire, England, and is reported to have had a brief relationship with the late singer Amy Winehouse. Josh’s father is Jewish, no wonder he has been quoted as saying that “I feel Jewish,” even if his ancestry is a mix of English, Irish and a bit of Italian.

At 18, Josh suffered two shoulder dislocations which made him drop a career as a professional rugby player. No regrets. He has found his calling as an actor. He had his acting debut in 2007 as Dimitri in the TV series Genie in the House, and appeared on the British series Holby City before venturing into movies (13 Hours, Prowl, Exteriors and Love’s Kitchen).

In 2011, he joined the ABC family show Make It or Break It as a gymnast. The same year, Josh was named one of the Stars of Tomorrow by Screen International. He studied method acting at the Lee Strasberg Institute in New York.

Funfare did a one-on-one with Josh last Saturday at the Raffles Hotel in Makati City.

Is it your first visit here?

“No. I was here last year. We went to Palawan which is a magical, magical, magical place. Unbelievable! Probably the nicest place I’ve ever been in my life. We went to Amanpulo. I’m very fortunate, very lucky to have been there. I would love to see more of the country!”

You’re wearing a Penshoppe (long-sleeved) shirt. Does the brand fit your fashion sense?

“You know, I guess I have a preppy sort of style. It’s sort of high street, more casual.”

What Penshoppe item is your favorite?

“The jogger pants. They are slim-fit but not too tight, and great at the bottom.”

Your reaction when Penshoppe offered you to be an  endorser?

“I was very flattered. I did a research on the brand before I said yes. The offer came out of the blue and I guess it’s a testament the show and how well Revenge is being received by the public.” 

Could you tell us more about Daniel Grayson, your Revenge character?

“Well, Daniel has changed since season one.”

Change for the better or for worse?

“For the better. It’s been a lot of fun since I’m getting into his shoes now. I feel like I fleshed out the character which is three-dimensional. I like playing the nice guy, the good guy, but it’s much more fun playing the bad guy. It’s more challenging.”

What do you find intriguing about Daniel Grayson?

“That’s good question, a very good question.” (Thinks awhile). “I would say that the dynamics he has with his parents, his effort to live up to their expectations, and his own expectations about himself. I find it most intriguing. But I think every episode is very challenging especially since on television we don’t see what happens until the end and only after we go through the twists and turns of every episode.”

How are you similar to and different from Daniel Grayson?

“Well, Daniel Grayson is American and I’m English. He’s from a different world. He definitely has a silver-spoon life.”

Like you?

“Me?” (Makes swishing sound through his closed lips). “In a lot of ways, no. I can relate to him in certain aspects. How different am I from Daniel Grayson? My decision-making is different from his which is irrational I would not make the same decisions that he did. I would say that I’m a lot more rational. But I’m impulsive. I’m also very honest and I can relate to him because he’s very honest, although not so much now. I would think that I’m more street-smart than him.”

Do you dilly-dally before reaching a decision?

“Sometimes yes, sometimes no. If you give me a menu, I take time going through it. Or I just point at any item and say, ‘Go, take it!’ I can be very indecisive.”

What would you say is the best decision that you’ve made so far?

(Thinks hard) “Probably going to America. It opened up a lot of opportunity for me. I really grew up in the last five years. I had to make sacrifices and I think that’s part of character-building. And, yes, chasing a dream.”

Have you found it?

“I’m still chasing it. That’s one thing about being an actor. You are constantly trying to better yourself. It’s a continuing battle and you feel that you are never quite good enough or never satisfied.”

How is America different from England?

“Well, I love America. For me, it’s a very free country. It’s very giving of an opportunity; it rewards sacrifice. People who want to go into something there, can do it. And that’s the best thing about America. England, we come from a little bit more of a highbrow society. You know, you have to do this, this and this to get to there. In America, if you can do it, do I, do it!”

Like all celebrities, you have to look fit and fabulous all the time. How do you do it? Is there any part that needs improvement?

“Oh, a lot of parts, hahahaha! Most parts. I try to keep fit and healthy. The first thing that I look for when I check into the hotel is the gym.”

How did you feel about your sport career having been derailed by your damaged shoulders?

“It’s okay. Aside from breaking my shoulders twice, I also broke my elbow and my hand, dislocated several parts of my body, I was knocked down unconscious several times. Rugby is a brutal sport; the training is very harsh as in any kind of sport. But it taught me discipline, to be a team player and to, you know, swallow my losses.”

Away from work, how do you spend your time?

“I’ve taken up golf recently. I’m obsessed with golf. I do play football every now and then but not as often as I used to. The thing is, in my free time, I just want to shut the door, see and relax and just be myself. You know, playing a character so much sometimes makes you more of the character than you.”

 (E-mail reactions at entphilstar@yahoo.com. You may also send your questions to askrickylo@gmail.com. For more updates, photos and videos visit www.philstar.com/funfare or follow me on www.twitter/therealrickylo.)

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