Ogie turning Kapatid?

MANILA, Philippines - Every time the contract of an A-list star is about to expire, speculations start to run wild  you know, will he or she jump ober da bakod?

Case in point: Ogie Alcasid (photo) whose contract with the Kapuso GMA Network is good only until this March.

According to a Funfare DPA, Ogie is in secret negotiation with the Kapatid TV5 Network for whom he has a soft spot because the network head, Manny V. Pangilinan, is his and his wife Regine Velasquez’s wedding sponsor.

Why the contemplated big move?

“Because Ogie needs the money,” said somebody privy to Ogie’s career moves, implying that TV5 is making, well, an offer hard to refuse. “He has had enough of exposure; what he needs is cash.”

If the rumored deal is pushed through, it would be balik-TV for Ogie who, more than a decade ago, topbilled the gag show Tropang Trumpo which became Bubble Gang when he moved to GMA.

Kibitzers are guessing that Ogie’s camp is floating the rumor as a “bargaining ploy” against GMA. Ganoon?

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