It’s never too late for old friends to reconnect

MANILA, Philippines - When old friends meet, expect them to talk about the good old times when they were four decades younger and only starting to carve their names in movie journalism. That’s what (from left) Mar d’Guzman Cruz, Raoul ‘Emil’ Tidalgo, Balikbayan Baby K. Jimenez, Ricky Lo and Eddie Campaner did last Dec. 12 when they got together at Via Mare (Tomas Morato, Quezon City) to celebrate Raoul’s birthday. It seemed only yesterday when all they talked about was how to save for a new shirt and, hmmm, a dream car. Now, they talk about hypertension, high blood sugar, arthritis and some such symptoms of, well, not being spring chicken anymore. There were also anecdotes about the stars, so juicy and meaty but so off-the-record. Maybe you should wait for any or all of the five to come up with a tell-all book aptly titled Untold Stories You Thought Would Never See Print.

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