A Daddy's girl like no other

MANILA, Philippines - Jocas de Leon may be hotshot at Fordham University, where she graduated cum laude with a degree in Economics and took her masters also in Economics. But in showbiz, she is better known as the daughter of Joey de Leon, except that she looks like her mom, Eileen Macapagal.

Jocas doesn’t mind, though. In fact, she wears her Daddy’s Girl hat proudly.

“My Dad advised me to practice making a speech while walking,” she reveals. Jocas’ smiling face may not show it. But she admits she’s prone to mood swings, a trait she got from her Dad.

“He has passed on his artist’s temperament to me,” she explains. And like her Dad, Jocas loves watching movies and seeing places far and near.

It was even her dad who gave Jocas her unique name. Turns out Joey and Eileen thought the next baby would be a boy. So they figured Jocos – for the god of laughter – would be a great name to give their son. When the baby turned out to be a girl, the decision to change the ‘O’ to ‘A’ was a no-brainer.

Today, six years after coming back to the Philippines from New York, Jocas is giving her parents every reason to believe she really is a source of joy.She is applying what she learned, not only at Fordham, but also at the Fashion Institute of Technology, also in New York as merchandiser for teen girls and young female adults’ fashion at SM.

Jocas is Q-11’s first and only choice to host the Personal Shopper segment of the new show Fashionitas by Heart, which premiered last Saturday, Feb. 28. The one-hour magazine show dedicated to style and fashion is hosted by Heart Evangelista, with Jocas and Schinina Juban serving as Style Spies, who will update viewers on fashion trends and styles.

Jocas’fashion reports will go beyond the usual trends and styles, though. Like a true-blue disciple of economics, she will give it a twist in line with today’s hard times.

“I will give viewers cheaper fashion alternatives,” she promises. Instead of getting that branded dress, for instance, Jocas will point out places where one can get the same style at less cost.

Jocas herself is a model of practical dressing. A peek at her wardrobe reveal a row of black dresses, “because I go for sophistication.” Black,as we all know, also goes well with anything. It’s a most versatile color for mixing and matching. How’s that for stretching your peso?

Figures why Jocas chose a flowing black dress when she met the press for her new show recently.

“I love feminine clothes – flowing dresses, soft fabrics,” she explains. No way will she be a rock chick, complete with outrageous makeup and tight, tight jeans.

Her style icons are classic dressers: Audrey Hepburn, Kate Bosworth, Charlize Thereon and Dawn Zulueta.is also as engaging as a “smart, articulate person.”

Judging by her idols,Jocas is the type who won’t let trends dictate her style – and her life. She will stick to certain styles simply because she likes them, not because other people go gaga over them. The girl knows what she wants and is willing to stand by them. The confidence shows, especially when she opens her mouth to speak. No wonder dear dad – and mom – are standing proud once more.

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