
Freeman Cebu Sports

Cacoy Cañete launches book on eskrima-arnis techniques


CEBU, Philippines - Supreme Grandmaster Ciriaco “Noy Cacoy” Cañete formally launched his newest work of art, the “Ekrima-Arnis Techniques” - a book, which according to United States Martial Arts Association (USMA) founder Philip S. Porter, should be in the library of every martial artist.

“This book is based on my experience as an eskrima practitioner for over 80 years now,” said Cañete during yesterday’s grand launch at the Cebu Parklane International Hotel. “This book is really unique because it covers all ranges of eskrima techniques,” added the founder and president emeritus of the Cacoy Doce Pares Eskrima World Federation.

The “Eskrima-Arnis Techniques” is the fourth installment of Cañete’s series of books on eskrima that commenced with the publication of Doce Pares Eskrima in 1988. In 2001, he authored Pangamot (Barehand Techniques), before penning down Eskribo (a combination of eskrima, jujitsu, judo, and aikido) in 2004.

Cañete’s latest book contains 128 pages replete with illustrations so the readers and aspiring martial artists could better understand all the components of eskrima and the foundation by which it is being founded.It takes up a brief history of eskrima, its fundamentals going into the different kinds of attacks and defenses, sparring ranges (close, medium and long), strikes and targets as well as form movements.

“Everytime I look back (at the past), there’s a big improvement in eskrima. It keeps on improving every year,” said the 89-year-old Cañete.

Cañete said the study of eskrima is essential as it provides several benefits such as physical conditioning, mental training, sports development, cultural appreciation, and practical self-defense. It is for these reasons that Cañete dreamed of integrating his book into the Department of Education (DepEd) curriculum as part of its instructional materials in Physical Education (PE) classes.

“We have a highly developed eskrima here and we should propagate it all over the world. We should be proud of it because it is an indigenous Filipino martials arts that even started in Cebu,” said Cañete, who at 12 years old, became the youngest founding member of Doce Pares when it was formed in 1932.

“This book contains instructions that are very easy to understand especially to the students. Eskrima doesn’t only cover physical and mental aspect, it also helps maintain a Filipino culture,” added the legendary stick-fighter whose various awards here and abroad are long enough to be enumerated.

Noy Cacoy, as he is fondly called by close friends, was enshrined into the hallowed portals of Cebu Sports Hall of Fame in 1977 for his selfless dedication in spreading the gospel of eskrima in both hemispheres of the globe. Armed with an indomitable passion for the art, he had been conducting seminars and demonstrations in the United States, Germany, Poland, England, Mexico, Indonesia, and Pakistan - where he was honored as “Supreme Grandmaster of the Year” in 2007.

Cañete’s latest book gained positive reviews and earned him praise and adulations from international grandmasters.

“I believe this volume will become the standard, definitive text on eskrima, against which all other books on the subject will be measured,” said Porter, who describes Noy Cacoy’s teaching ability, techniques and friendly attitude as legendary. “I believe his book should be in the library of every martial artist,” added Porter.

Australian Grandmaster Vincent C. Palumbo, for his part, said that “we, the students of Cacoy Doce Pares Eskrima, can use this fine book on basic eskrima as a reference point for our training in order to refine our skills.”

“Ciriaco “Cacoy” Cañete is a creative genius for developing the art of eskrido techniques which resulted from his experiences, vision and combative courage. This book is an unforgettable true story of basic eskrima techniques. I absolutely love it,” said GM Richard S. Bustillo, president and chief instructor of the US-based IMB Academy, Inc.

Cañete said he has 5,000 copies of his book on hand. Those who are willing to buy a copy of it may call Cacoy Doce Pares operations director Master Chuck Anthony Cañete at 261-1352. – THE FREEMAN

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