
Cebu News

Dondon: No worries over City Hall security

Caecent No-ot Magsumbol - The Freeman
Dondon: No worries over City Hall security
Cebu City acting mayor Donaldo Hontiveros
Donaldo "Dondon" Hontiveros/Facebook page

CEBU, Philippines — Cebu City acting mayor Donaldo Hontiveros yesterday reiterated that City Hall and its satellite offices remain secured amidst the absence of the services of a security agency just yet.

In a press conference, Hontiveros, City Administrator Collin Rosell, and Special Assistant Jerone Castillo told Cebu media that the Civil Security Unit (CSU) is performing the responsibility.

"The city is secured," he said, and thanked several City Hall officials and the Cebu City Police Office (CCPO) for stepping up to fill the vacuum left behind by the absence of GDS Security Agency’s security personnel.

Hontiveros, the number one city councilor, is acting mayor because Mayor Michael Rama is on a one-month vacation leave while Vice Mayor Raymond Alvin Garcia is on leave for an out-of-town engagement.

On the claim that City Hall is in disarray due to the lack of security personnel, he said he is on top of the situation and already met with concerned officials to make sure that everything is taken care of.

“The truth of the matter is dili gyud na magkaguliyang ang City Hall kay we have built-in security. We have the CSU and we have so many force multipliers. Naa si BPAT, naa si Kasaligan..So dili na magkaguliyang,” Castillo said.

“We assure the public that all concerns sa City Government, particularly kanang mga areas nga nay dapat gwardiya, nay ni-rotate tanan…Ayaw mog kabalaka sa City Hall,” he added.

Aside from that, Cebu City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office personnel are also helping.

Police Lt/Col.Janette Rafter, CCPO deputy director for operations, likewise told the press conference that the police are also present to help address City Hall's concerns.

Also, Rosell clarified that the security service contract of GDS was not abruptly cut, contrary to claims.

He said that as early as September, GDS already went to court concerning the City’s termination of its contract due to loss of trust and confidence.

GDS, he said, filed complaints against the City’s BAC to stop the termination its contract, which is until 2025 but renewable every year, but its petition for a temporary restraining order and injunction was denied.

“It’s the concern of the security agency regarding their (security guards') jobs..Walay gikulban og kaldero ang City Government,” Rosell said.

Castillo, on the other hand, said they are also looking into the report on GDS firearms that were allegedly kept in City Hall without any certificates of authority even when there is still a gun ban, which he said is a serious offense. — (FREEMAN)

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