
Cebu News

Illegal quarry rampant in 3 barangays

Rene U. Borromeo - The Freeman

CEBU, Philippines - Illegal quarry operations are said to be very rampant in at least three mountain barangays in Cebu City.

Councilor Joel Garganera said the absence of a City Mining and Regulatory Board has contributed to the proliferation of illegal quarry operations in Barangays Binaliw, Pit-os and Pulangbato.

City Ordinance 2115 provides for the creation of the mining board that will have a mandate to accept, process, and evaluate all hauling and quarry permit applications.

 The mayor or his authorized representative shall head the board. Garganera said the city government can earn millions in revenues from the permit fees.

Garganera asked Mayor Tomas Osmeña to revive the mining board. The mayor said he might consider reviving the board.

Garganera also blamed the rampant illegal quarry operations to the occurrence of landslides in the mountain barangays.

“One of the factors that contributed for such occurrence of calamities is the illegal quarrying and hauling of limestones and other kinds of minerals,” Garganera said.

 Lemuel Cerojano, resident of Barangay Paril, complained that the trucks hauling limestone and other minerals from the mountains have destroyed the newly-repaired roads in Binaliw and Pit-os.

 The mayor said that the barangay officials have the powers to ensure that no illegal quarry operations within their jurisdictions. (FREEMAN)

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