Lapu-Lapu offers full college scholarships

CEBU, Philippines - The Lapu-Lapu City Government, in a bid to bring down unemployment and to help the underprivileged, is offering full college scholarships to high school graduates.

City Councilor Harry Don Radaza, vice-chairman of the committee on youth development, said each year the unemployment rate and the number of high school graduates who cannot afford college education have risen.

Radaza said the Student Financial Assistance Program will send high school graduates to college on scholarship grants.

The city has17 public schools and most of the students belong to poor families that cannot afford to send their children to college.

This year the city college, with the help of Cebu Trade University and Cebu Normal University, opened. It is offering low tuition.

Without citing figures, Radaza said the new city college will greatly help curb the number of out-of-school youths. 

“The idea is to create a Board of Trustees (BOT) with the city mayor as the chairman and the city schools division superintendent as vice chairman,” the councilor said.

He said the Board of Trustees will be assisted by a 10-man technical working group that includes DepEd officials and people from the civil society as members.   (FREEMAN NEWS)

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