Drug use linked to heart diseases among youth

CEBU, Philippines - Drug dependence among the youth makes them more susceptible to heart ailment which is considered the number one cause of death and morbidity worldwide, according to Dr. Generoso Matiga of the Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center.

In a forum yesterday at the Department of Health-7 conducted by the Association of Government Information Officers, in line with the observance of February as Heart Month.

Youth patients, or those from 21 to 25 years old, have a history of drug use, said Dr. Matiga who chairs the Department of Internal Medicine at the VSMMC.

He pointed out that a certain component in metamphetamine hydrochloride or “shabu”, for example, makes human blood sticky - a factor which contributes to heart malfunction. However, he wasn’t also able to provide any data or record as to the exact number of youth patients with heart diseases they are attending to at the VSMMC. He reasoned out that the cases they have are “based on personal history and observation” only.

Matiga also discussed that heart disease symptoms are characterized by increasing and squeezing pain in the chest, body malaise, shortness of breath and palpitation or irregular heartbeat.

Despite the sad news, Matiga assured that risk factors of heart ailments can however be corrected if not totally controlled.

Under the so-called non-modifiable factor, or factor we don’t have control, is our age. Men aging 40 years old and up have high risk of suffering from a heart ailment. For women who are 45 years old and above or past the menopausal stage are also prone to heart disorders. Genetics is another factor considered as most cases are found to be hereditary, he said.

Hypertension, diabetes and obesity cases fall under the modifiable factor or those which can be corrected by positive changes in lifestyle, healthy or balanced diet, and regular exercise. – Antoniette T. Parce/MEEV   (FREEMAN NEWS)


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