Tomas willing to listen to Light Rail Transit proposal

CEBU, Philippines - Cebu City Mayor-on-leave Tomas Osmeña said he is willing to listen to the Light Rail Transit system proposal of Cebu 1st District Rep. Eduardo Gullas.

Osmeña who has been sentimental and active in implementing a Bus Rapid Transit system patterned after Bogota, Colombia, said he will let the people of Cebu City listen to the proposal before he will make his comment.

Osmeña and Gullas have been at odds with each other prior to the completion of the South Road Properties which has a few hectares within the territorial jurisdiction of Talisay City of the first district.

City Planning and Development Coordinator Nigel Paul Villarete said he will listen to the presentation this afternoon at the Waterfront Cebu Hotel and Casino for the project.

Villarete, who has been working on the previous studies of the LRT in the 1990’s said there are some things he wants clarified later.

He said he wants to know whether the LRT fare rate will be higher here in Cebu City compared to Manila.

In the original proposal of the LRT, Villarete said that the fare rate in Manila is P10 to P15 while in Cebu City the minimum fare rate is automatically pegged at P15 and 15 centavos for every kilometer.

He said he also wants to be clarified on the need of the national government to subsidize or infuse P2.5 billion annually to the existing LRT.

“It means that every Filipino from Aparri to Jolo is paying for the fare of the LRT in Manila,” Villarete said.

He said he also wants to know the actual computation of revenues once the LRT will be implemented here in the province.

The BRT, Villarete said, needs only P5 million for every kilometer from the government compared with the LRT which needs P32 million for every kilometer.

The thrust of the Cebu City administration is choosing a mass transportation system which is economical, environmentally sustainable and directed towards reduction of car use.

Already the cities of Cebu and Mandaue issued a resolution choosing the BRT as their mode of mass transport.

Recently Gullas announced that the director general of the National Economic Development Authority has committed the approval of the Cebu Light Rail Transit System before the agency’s investment coordination committee.

Gullas said he got the commitment from NEDA director general Augusto Santos when the latter appeared before them during the budget hearing.

Gullas said he is also working for the endorsement of the project from the three local governments of the cities of Cebu, Mandaue and Talisay. — Ferliza C. Contratista/BRP   (FREEMAN NEWS)

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