Sanchez asks Rama to allow province to develop city lots

CEBU, Philippines - While Cebu City Vice Mayor Michael Rama assured to quickly comply with the instruction of Mayor Tomas Osmeña to enact an ordinance prohibiting Capitol officials from developing their properties in the city, Vice Governor Gregorio Sanchez asked Rama to think twice.

Sanchez, who said he is speaking in his personal capacity as a taxpayer, explained that Cebu City will also benefit if the province is allowed to develop some of its properties in the city because the city can collect business taxes from the establishments.

He cited the case when former governor Emilio “Lito” Osmeña sold the province-owned lot that was only used for a golf course and now the city is now earning millions in real and business taxes from the establishments at the so-called Cebu Business Center.

“I don’t think it will look good,” Sanchez said.

The province has properties located in 11 of the 80 barangays of Cebu City.

The vice governor also gave unsolicited advice to Rama to continue work for the good of the people and not be afraid to reject orders if he thinks that it is not good for the majority of the constituents.

Sanchez told him to do what he thinks is right because anyway it is the people who will vote for him and they are now observing his moves.

But Mayor Tomas Osmeña explained that their plan to prohibit the Capitol to develop its lots in the city is intended to benefit the more than 4,000 urban poor families so they will not be evicted from the province-owned lots they are now occupying.

Sanchez said the provincial officials are already taking care of the problems of the said urban poor families who have already started but not completed paying for their lots.

Osmeña said the city will not coordinate with the Capitol officials if they wish to develop their lots for commercial purposes, but it may allow them to use some of these properties to put up cemeteries and parking areas.

“We can allow the Capitol to use its lots to put up cemeteries because it will be congested only once in a year and for parking area because it will help minimize traffic congestion,” the mayor said.

Osmeña, however, explained that while the Capitol will not be allowed to develop its properties within the city, the private property owners will be allowed to develop their lots because they are paying taxes to the city.

Sanchez said the Capitol officials may choose to go to the court to question the planned move of the city. —Rene U. Borromeo/BRP (THE FREEMAN)

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