7-Eleven: Slurpees and MORE

CEBU, Philippines – Cebu, right now, is just flooded with Slurpees!

With seven stores already open in the Queen City of the South and a lot more to go, it would seem impossible to miss the Slurpee fever.

But apart from the iconic drink, 7-Eleven has so much more to offer that would be a treat for every Cebuano.

On your next visit to the store, make sure to try these 7-Eleven treats:

1. Coffee. With just one press, voila! You got one tasty coffee that won't ruin your pockets. For just P40-P60, you can get your brewed coffee or cappuccino available in different flavors like mocha and vanilla.

2. Big gulp. After a day under the scorching heat of the sun, a good way to remedy your thirst would be through 7-Eleven’s Big gulp. This is available in 15 oz, 18 oz, 22 oz and 32 oz.

3. Hotdog. With so many hotdog varieties you can choose from, 7-Eleven's affordable and yummy hotdogs are just hard to resist. You can choose from regular classic, jumbo classic, spicy, cheesedog and more.

4. Stuffed Pandesal. Bacon and Cheese and Tuna Cheesemelt are just a few of the yummy Stuffed Pandesal options you can get from 7-Eleven. Just let the friendly 7-Eleven staff pop it in the oven for two minutes and you're good to go.

5. Siopao.Whether it's for one hungry tummy or just to satisfy your snack craving, 7-Eleven has got their premium and budget sized Bola-Bola and Asado Siopaos served hot and fresh.

6. Pasta. Pasta in a convenience store? Beat that! 7-Eleven has their delicious pasta that would make you feel like you're eating in a restaurant. Hot and cheesy, what a treat!

7. Sandwhich and wraps. If you're more of a sandwich lover or if you're watching your weight, 7-Eleven have ready to heat and eat yummy sandwiches and wraps…they have the Hawaiian and the Mexican.

8. Rice Meals.   You've read it right. 7-Eleven has got everything including rice meals that are both yummy and easy on the pocket.

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