Robots arising!

When I was around four years old, I remember my dad coming home from a trip with an electronic robot he bought for me. It was around 2 feet in height and looked like a space invader. Looking back, I remember having so much fun with it since I couldn't handle its remote properly. I loved it so much and up to today, I still think it was one of the coolest things I ever received. Dad and I have a passion for watching science fiction movies so this brought me to write about robots. Today, robots are still thought to be childish diversions. However, these new "breeds" I have listed below are sophisticated enough to be working in a more highly advanced atmosphere. You will now understand why...

RoboSapien Media. First impression: It looks like a children's toy because it is big, bulky and plastic. But when it comes to life, it is extremely loud. This robot has a built-in camera and a small LCD screen on its chest. Apart from that, it stores images, plays music, videos or voice files on an SD card.

Lego Mindstorms. Very challenging and advanced! This is what you would least expect from Lego because when we hear "Lego", we instantly think of those little plastic building blocks we put together. This is somehow different. It is like building your first basic robot from scratch, program it and make it do what you want! You can also create thousands of other robotic inventions. Mindstorms include an "intelligent brick"- the program brain of the robot, "sound sensor" - the robot reacts to your sound command, "ultrasonic sensor"- makes the robot measure distance, and the "interactive servo motors"- makes the robot walk and move. It has four different sensors and three servomotors. One best feature is that USB or Bluetooth downloads the programme to the robot's processing brick for convenience. It is satisfying and complex especially if you have programmed it yourself. The packaging states that Mindstorms is for anyone above the age of 10. Personally, this is only for people with broad computer knowledge because you will find that it is slightly complicated. However, this is one big challenge that Lego has created and I am positive that it will sell in today's market.

On the scale, I would choose Lego Mindstorms among the three because it is such a complete and brilliant invention, which you really put your mind into. The technology is so advanced that Lego Mindstorms is not just your regular robot and that's why we have one in our living room. But take your pick from my list and see them come to life.

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