
Freeman Cebu Entertainment

Sam Milby, Bring on the action!

Vanessa Balbuena - The Freeman

CEBU, Philippines - Pretty boy Sam Milby might have signed up for a comedy flick, but playing the male lead in the final “Kimmy Dora” installment had him discovering instead that he can do well in the action genre.

With the exception of a few indie films and his most recent soap opera with Judy Ann Santos, Sam’s twang limited him to playing the typical Fil-Am romantic lead. Now that he’s gotten a taste of getting all suave and tough ala James Bond via the 2013 Metro Manila Film Festival entry “Kimmy Dora: Ang Kiyemeng Prequel,” Sam hopes he gets more offers for action-oriented films. 

The actor plays the dashing Human Resources head Rodin Bartolleti, who will take charge of the rigorous internship of the twin heiresses Kimmy and Dora. Part of the twins’ extensive training require them to start from the company’s bottom rung, including being a security guard — and this is where all the action comes in. Along the way, Kimmy and Dora employ individual tactics to win Rodin’s heart.

“Doing the action scenes here was very enjoyable. I’m not saying that I was so good, but I feel happy with the reactions of my co-actors and the people on set who said that I did good with the action scenes. I would love to do more action movies. In terms of memorizing the fight sequences, I did well and it came pretty natural to me. If a director here in the Philippines would be doing an action movie, I hope they get me,” said Sam, who stars in his first MMFF entry.

Seems like two years in his high school’s wrestling team, one semester of karate in college and previous Muay Thai lessons have been put to good use by the 29-year-old heartthrob in this Chris Martinez-penned film.

“I think the reason producers here are afraid to do action films again is because it’s so hard to compete with the Hollywood action flicks. But I think, sometimes, it just takes a great stunt director and actors. For instance, I look at the ‘Bourne Legacy’ films, they don’t have very complicated camera movements; but the action stunts are great. And I believe we can do something like that, if given the chance,” the actor offered.

Sam’s co-star Eugene said that the former “Pinoy Big Brother Season 1” housemate was indeed a revelation and heavily-applauded on set after executing his action sequences.

Eugene commented, “Obviously, he’s very handsome and charming. But being charming and handsome will only be good for like, seven minutes. If there’s no substance there, it’s useless. Aside from being a hunk, he can also sing. I was really surprised that he could do action so easily. On set, everybody was clapping for him. I’m a fan of the James Bond films, even those from way, way back. I can say Sam has the qualifications to play a Philippine version of James Bond, if ever someone would produce something like that.”

Sam made it clear that his character here doesn’t deliver punch lines. He left that task to the acclaimed comedienne and to the other actors in the film.

“My role here is actually not trying to be funny. If you can see from the trailer, he’s strict and serious. So don’t expect my role to make you laugh. I’ve never done all-out comedy, but I have so much respect for comedians because for me, it seems easier to make viewers cry than make them laugh. For me, there’s much more intelligence put into comedic timing than romantic timing,” he explained, adding that his character in his next film, titled “The Gifted” under Viva Films which unites him with former girlfriend Anne Curtis, will be more “all-out comedy.”

Speaking of romantic timing, are his efforts to woo “Maria Mercedes” star Jessy Mendiola bearing fruit so far? “It’s still the same. I keep getting asked that question, and I still don’t have anything new to tell,” Sam replied.

“With regards to Jessy, we’ve hardly seen each other recently with the schedules that we have. We text each other every now and then. It’s still in the early stages. We’re still getting to know each other. Everyone knows a lot of other guys are courting her. She made it very clear also that her concentration now is on her career, since 2013 is her launching year, and she’s had so many breaks. I understand that her priority now is work.”

Produced by Spring Films, Quantum Films and MJM Productions, “Kimmy Dora: Ang Kiyemeng Prequel” opens Dec. 25 in cinemas nationwide. (FREEMAN)

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