Another Leading Role For Sam Worthington: The red-hot Aussie hunk follows up "Avatar" with "Clash of the Titans"

CEBU, Philippines - One blockbuster deserves another. That’s what Sam Worthington is aiming for as he follows up “Avatar” with Warner Bros.’ new action adventure epic “Clash of the Titans.” 

Worthington plays Perseus who is pitted against the full array of Greek gods and goddesses, the earth-shattering forces at their fingertips, and all the fierce and mysterious creatures and monsters they control. In the film, Perseus is laying claim to his own destiny. But the vengeful gods will not let go of their power so easily.

Zeus, King of the Gods, (played by Liam Neeson) incurs the wrath of Perseus—his half-human son—after the god has destroyed the human family that raised him. “When Zeus kills his family, this becomes like a revenge movie,” says Worthington. “He wants to kill anyone who hurt his family, like any of us would in that situation. And he’s a bit like a boisterous teenager. Along the way, he grows up and realizes what a better kind of revenge can be.”

Worthington points out that Perseus—like the characters he played in “Avatar” and “Terminator Salvation”—is struggling to come to grips with who he is and what he ultimately wants to be in the midst of his journey. “It is that type of duality that intrigues me with this kind of character,” he says. “In movies like this, they are all taking on a bigger bully and that, to me, is a great message. We should stand up to people who want to take us down.”

Director Louis Leterrier was likewise drawn to the film’s classic theme of a reluctant hero on a quest to accomplish the impossible. “It is as though every movie I have made is about an anti-hero, a guy who doesn’t want to be a hero,” says the director. “This guy doesn’t accept his destiny and who he really is. He fights it. The gods are selfish and egotistical, using human beings as their playthings. It’s no wonder that mankind wants to revolt. It becomes a truly epic struggle, with iconic creatures, heroes and amazing actions sequences.”

Producer Basil Iwanyk adds, “The gods have been the rulers and leaders of the world up to this point and humans, while they are entertaining for the gods, are scrabby and can’t be left to fend for themselves. Yet now we have it that men, led by Perseus, have said, ‘Hold on a second! We could determine our own destiny, be it good or bad. We could figure things out ourselves. We can’t just be subject to the gods’ precociousness.’ There is a feeling of anti-authority and rebelliousness. We see that strongly with the Perseus character. It is subtext. You feel that this movie is about youthful anger and revolt.”

Producer Kevin De La Noy concludes that Perseus’s physical odyssey in the film mirrors his own internal struggle, “Perseus is raised as a man by his human father, who raises him as a fisherman. But eventually he learns that he is the son of a god, Zeus. Perseus is a demigod, and the push and pull throughout the course of the story is whether he should embrace his godliness or be a man. He wants to be man. He hates the gods.”

Opening soon across the Philippines in regular format and Digital 3D, “Clash of the Titans” will be distributed worldwide by Warner Bros. Pictures, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company.

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