Pictures of violators

Thanks to photo attachments in emails and phone messages, people are able to better show the issues that they are relaying to us.

A reader sent us email last week showing a dilapidated SWAT van of the PNP that was cruising on Osmeña Blvd.

The reader said that aside from being dilapidated, the SWAT van also had no plate number.

Another reader sent us MMS about a pizza delivery where two men riding in tandem on a motorcycle carry a huge bag which they use to keep the really huge pizza warm during delivery.

This is a dangerous practice, said the reader and your pizza order might not also make it on time.

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Readers continue to call on the authorities to apprehend drivers of vehicles that are being operated at night without the proper lights (headlights and tail lights).

One reader said that he also rear ended a truck while traveling at the dark portion of the causeway leading to the South Road Properties. He said that the truck did not have any tail lights, which made it impossible to see the vehicle at night.

The truck, he said, “was so dirty nga nisamot nga niblend lang sa ngit-ngit, may gain dili kayo ko kusog ug dagan.”

There are many hazards on the road if you are driving south through the SRP.

In Talisay City, there are vehicles, including trucks that are parked on the sides of the road, tricycles and trisikads that are running without lights on the highway, as well as motorcycles that are also lacking lights.

It seems that government never takes action until a major accident happens or until somebody famous meets an accident.

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A reader also complained to us about the motorcycle drivers that weave in and out of traffic and sometimes hitting the sides of other vehicles in the process.

The reader said that she was so angry when somebody on a motorcycle scratched her car while she was waiting for the light to turn green at corner Imus and Gen. Maxilom Avenue early last week.

“What can we do about this? Alkansi man ta gud kay dali ra kayo silang kasibat,” she said.

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For comments, complaints, and suggestions please feel free to contact us at 2531276 or 2538613 local 237.

You can also send email to or post your comments on the Motorists’ Corner page on

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