“Go Green” program projects positive outlook for RP goods

After initiating a reforestation project ten years ago that covers five hectares of land in Manipis, Talisay City, Cebu- FAME is continuing its environmental advocacy with a new program called the “Go Green Philippines.”

Fashion Accessories Manufacturers and Exporters Foundation (Cebu-FAME) is the leading business support organization for costume jewelry in the Philippines and it is composed of a hundred exporters and manufacturers. This sector is known as the major supplier of costume jewelry to the world using indigenous materials such as sea shells, wood, coconut and other plant and wild-life products.     

After its reforestation project has been successfully implemented which provided sustainable livelihood opportunities for the community as well as continuous cultivation of a variety of tree species used for lumber, costume jewelry and other commercial uses,  Cebu FAME aimed to further its environmental undertaking through its new endeavor, “Go Green Philippines.”

The project will be a joint undertaking with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) for the purpose of research and development of natural resources on which the Philippine costume jewelry is dependent upon.

As proposed by the DENR, the areas covered in the project includes forest management wherein planting of pangantuon (whitewood), ipil (brownish wood), and sibucao (red wood), buri propagation and bamboo planting will be done. It also includes a Coastal Environmental Program which will aim for coral reefs protection and sea shell sanctuaries establishment.  Another will be the livelihood projects for rural communities including skills training and education that can support the fashion jewelry sector.

DENR 7’s Regional Technical Director Ema Milana said that, “this particular initiative is the first of its kind in the Philippines and it will do well for both DENR and FAME and also for other people’s organization as wood sources are becoming scarce these days.”

She added that usually wood sources utilized by the costume jewelry industry are not plantation species or are indigenous and therefore collected from the wild. She added that with the “Go Green Philippines’ program; these sources will be replenished for continued usage.

According to the Cebu FAME foundation, they envision the project to help revitalize, replenish and preserve our natural resources with the support of its members as well as foreign buyers who will fund the project. —Rhia de Pablo

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