Smart wins 3 Tambuli awards

MANILA, Philippines - Smart Communications Inc. bagged three awards — and was the only telco which qualified in the final rounds -— at the recent Tambuli Awards 2009: the 3rd Integrated Marketing Communications Effectiveness Awards.

Tambuli is Asia ’s only awards body which honors the country’s best marketing communications- campaigns that help increase company profitability while significantly contributing to values’ promotion.

“Smart recognizes the influence of various advertising media, and we carefully consider the messages conveyed by our own campaigns because we know how they help in the value formation of the audience and the society as a whole,” said Smart Wireless Consumer Division head Danilo Mojica.

Smart Buddy’s “Me na Me” campaign, which promoted the idea of empowerment through self-expression, and Uzzap’s “Bring Me Along” campaign, which emphasized the value of communication with friends and loved ones, both won bronze in the Best Established Service Brand category.

“Flash,” the campaign that launched Smart Bro Prepaid, highlighted the value of making broadband available and more accessible to more people. It garnered for Smart a bronze Tambuli in the Best Innovative and Integrated Media category.

Smart is the only telco that qualified in the final round of the Tambuli Awards 2009 selection. Entries were judged based on business results and qualitative results of how the campaigns promoted virtues and values for the betterment of society.

The Tambuli Awards is organized by the University of Asia and the Pacific (UA&P), in partnership with the Marketing and Opinion Research Society of the Philippines and BusinessWorld.

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