The Makeup Forum and PLDT SME Nation: A fashionable partnership

MANILA, Philippines - The makeup artists’ role in the fashion industry is unquestionable; they are, after all, one of those who contribute significantly to the business of looking good.

And thanks to The Makeup Forum (TMF), the makeup artist’s function is further reinforced.

“The Makeup Forum is a first, for many reasons,” says Archie Tolentino, TMF board chairman and one of the most in-demand makeup artists in the country today.

He explains: “One, it is the first organization for makeup artists comprised of makeup artists with different backgrounds and experiences. Two, it is an organization that promotes continuous and progressive learning among its circle. And third, it is the first attempt to provide a great sense of community and belonging in the industry.”

To achieve these goals, TMF chose no less than PLDT SME Nation to partner with.

“TMF hopes to form with our colleagues and partners like PLDT SME Nation a family where we see unity, teamwork, partnership, support camaraderie, harmony, fairness, nurturing,” says Al de Leon, TMF vice president for marketing.

PLDT SME Nation also lauds the partnership. PLDT SME community consultancy head Gabby Cui says, “We at PLDT SME Nation have always been very supportive of locally initiated organizations like TMF. Organizations like these really strengthen PLDT SME Nation’s core values.”

These core values are innovation, independence and leadership, all espoused by TMF, too, Cui said.

TMF was originally formed in August 2007 as a discussion group for makeup artists to share, critique, ask advice or discuss topic concerning the makeup artistry.

TMF members, along with its president Lourd Ramos and Tolentino, have been represented in glamorous fashion shows, top editorials, TV shows and commercials.

For more info on PLDT SME Nation, call 101888 or log on to

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