

Sailing against the current: Building startups in the Philippine seas

PEDDLER OF HOPE - George Royeca - The Philippine Star

In the rich and vibrant tapestry of Southeast Asia, where the sun’s rays awaken myriad islands each morning, the Philippines emerges as a standout not just for its breathtaking natural beauty but also for its thriving startup ecosystem. For entrepreneurs, this archipelago serves as both a promising oasis of opportunity and a challenging desert of adversity, a dual landscape that tests the mettle of even the most seasoned business pioneers.

Securing funding in the Philippines can be likened to navigating through the historic walls of Intramuros – walls that have stood the test of time and battle, and gates that only open to those with the persistence to keep knocking. This journey is steeped in history, where every rejection is a cobblestone on the path and every acceptance is a torch lighting the way forward. Filipino entrepreneurs are deeply familiar with the monumental resilience this journey requires, understanding that each setback is but a step towards eventual success.

The experience of starting a business here is akin to setting out on a vast, relentless sea. The initial excitement of embarking on this venture, with winds of ambition propelling one’s sails, quickly confronts the harsh reality of turbulent waters – waves of rejection and currents of criticism that threaten to overturn one’s spirit. Yet, it is precisely in navigating these stormy seas that true leaders are forged. It is essential, therefore, to equip oneself with an unsinkable life jacket – the mindset of resilience and enduring hope.

When entrepreneurs face rejection, it’s important to see it not as a door slamming shut but as a redirection to a potentially more promising path. Imagine a seasoned farmer who, upon encountering a barren patch of land, doesn’t abandon his field but instead searches for more fertile ground elsewhere on his property. In a similar vein, each investor’s “no” should be viewed not as a judgment on the viability of one’s vision but as an opportunity to refine one’s pitch and to enrich the business plan with more research, more data and more passion.

Indeed, resilience is shaped in the forge of continuous rejection. It involves transforming the heavy burden of criticism into valuable insights. Envision each critique as a master sculptor, meticulously chipping away at the rough marble of your startup’s strategy to reveal the robust statue within. These chisels of feedback help sculpt your approach into a form so compelling that it draws investors in, almost as if by gravitational pull.

Reflect on the path of startups like Angkas, which has boldly navigated through multiple rounds of investor scrutiny. Each funding round, while a nod to past achievements, introduces new challenges and heightened expectations. Modern investors look beyond mere innovation and market disruption; they assess the scales of profitability, operational efficiency and long-term viability. The initial charm of novelty must now be replaced with the stark, solid bones of business strategy and meticulous financial forecasts.

For Angkas and similar ventures, each new round of funding represents a precarious tightrope walk over a deep chasm. The safety nets of novelty and potential are no longer sufficient; investors now demand a proven track record that reflects not just potential but actual, sustainable growth. As these businesses expand, so too does the magnitude of their challenges. The stakes are higher, and the potential falls are more devastating.

This evolution in investor expectations can feel like a relentless storm to founders. Each meeting, pitch and review is a gust that could veer their course off track. Yet, this is where the true grit of a startup is tested. Like a ship that must be fortified to withstand stronger storms, a startup must strengthen its internal frameworks, refine its strategies and navigate with precision.

To effectively navigate these challenging waters, one must also harness the winds of networking. In the interconnected archipelago of the Philippines, connections are the lifeblood of startup success. Each interaction, each handshake and each exchanged business card is a potential seed that could blossom into an invaluable opportunity. Just as our ancestors recognized the importance of the barangay, the community, today’s entrepreneurs must build their own villages of support, advice and funding.

Throughout this entrepreneurial journey, hope serves as the essential compass. Hope is not mere wishful thinking; it is a strategic asset. It is the guiding light that helps you navigate through the darkest nights and the roughest seas, enabling you to foresee the dawn of a new day when your startup not only survives but thrives.

Moreover, the spirit of the Philippines is deeply ingrained in a history of resilience – our landscape itself is born from fire and turmoil, from the quiet strength of our mountains to the fierce independence of our seas. Entrepreneurship in this region is fueled by the same indomitable spirit, demanding a mindset that looks beyond the immediate storms to the calm waters ahead and hears a symphony amidst the market’s cacophony.

Thus, to every startup founder in the Philippines and across Southeast Asia: continue to foster hope, keep navigating through the storms and may your entrepreneurial ventures lead you to the prosperous shores you earnestly seek.

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