ARTA eyes additional P200 million for 2024

On the sidelines of the Ease of Doing Business (EODB) Convention yesterday, ARTA Secretary Ernesto Perez said that the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) has only approved a budget of P280 million for the agency out of its earlier P800 million request.

MANILA, Philippines — The Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA) is hoping for the approval of an additional P200 million in its budget for next year, saying this will be used to expand its operations to cover all regions in the country.

On the sidelines of the Ease of Doing Business (EODB) Convention yesterday, ARTA Secretary Ernesto Perez said that the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) has only approved a budget of P280 million for the agency out of its earlier P800 million request.

However, Perez shared that when the budget underwent deliberations in the House of Representatives, the lower House approved an additional P200 million budget for the ARTA.

“This is now with the Senate. Hopefully, the Senate will also endorse the recommendation to increase our budget by P200 million,” Perez said.

He said the additional budget would allow the ARTA to expand its regional offices.

Currently, the ARTA has eight regional field offices particularly in Northern Luzon, Central Luzon, Southern Luzon, Eastern Visayas, Western Visayas, Northern Mindanao, Eastern Mindanao and Western Mindanao.

The ARTA has also been partnering with more business chambers to empower them to refer any of their members if they have any complaints that ARTA can act upon.

During the convention yesterday, the ARTA signed memorandums of understanding (MOUs) for the effort with the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI), German Philippine Chamber of Commerce Inc. (GPCCI), and the Nordic Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines (NordCham).

Perez said that the ARTA also recently inked a similar MOU with the Korean Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines and the Malaysia Chamber of Commerce and Industries.

The ARTA official said they also plan to sign MOUs with the American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines and the European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines (ECCP).

For its part, GPCCI president Stefan Schmitz expressed commitment to bridging the business community and the government, aiming to streamline processes and reduce bureaucratic challenges.

“This collaboration is more than just an agreement on paper. It is a proactive step towards creating a more dynamic and competitive business landscape in the Philippines,” he said.

Nordcham executive director Jesper Svenningsen also expressed optimism for the MOU.

“The improvement that is already done by ARTA is a very significant step and we see more interest for foreign investments in the Philippines from the Nordics and I think with this signing of the MOU today gives us another stepping stone to really takie it to the next level,” Svenningsen said.

In the same interview, Perez commented on the recommendation of the Philippine Exporters Confederation Inc. (Philexport) for the proposed increase in storage fees for foreign containerized cargoes at ports by the Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) to undergo regulatory impact assessment.

“Of course, with that recommendation, our answer will always be that if there is a proposed increase by way of a regulation, it must undergo regulatory impact assessment,” Perez said in a mix of English and Filipino.

RIA ensures that regulations are subjected to proper consultations and do not add unnecessary burden or costs to the agencies and the transacting public.

Perez said the agency has not received any formal requests on the matter yet.

“But I assure the public once we receive it, we will take action on it right away,” he said.

Last Oct.18, the Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) conducted a public consultation on the planned storage fee increase for foreign containerized cargoes at all its administered ports in the country.

The PPA has proposed to increase storage fees for import, export, and transshipment containers by 32 percent, along with a 150 percent surcharge on the corresponding storage rates for reefer containers.

The storage charges apply when foreign cargoes, which include import cargoes as well as export cargoes and transshipments, stay at PPA ports beyond the free storage period.

The proposed hike aims to achieve optimal use of the container yard and encourage immediate withdrawal of containers to prevent congestion.

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