Tobacco agency marks 22nd anniversary today

MANILA, Philippines - Fresh from its discoveries and development of other industrial products from tobacco, the National Tobacco Administration (NTA) celebrates today its 22nd anniversary.

Deputy National Security Adviser Luis “Chavit” Singson will grace the occasion as guest speaker.

Singson, whose Ilocos Sur homeprovince is the country’s largest tobacco producer, is expected to announce the commercial production of handmade paper, tobacco extracts, and handicrafts from tobacco.

The former Ilocos Sur governor will also announce the establishment of a Tobacco Pulp Processing Plant in Santa, Ilocos Sur. Sourced from tobacco stalks, the pulp is used for the manufacture of commercial paper.

NTA Administrator Carlitos Encarnacion said the agency’s research laboratories have also developed ethanol from tobacco stalks and its eventual commercialization could make tobacco as source of biofuel.

The affair will be held in Sto. Tomas La Union where the newly-built Tobacco Dust Processing PLant will be inaugurated.

Made of ground tobacco leaves, the dust product has been found efficient as organic pesticide against snails and other pests that inhabit fishponds. The dust also acts as growth-enhancer for a fish food called ‘lablab.’

Ilocos Sur will supply 70-80 percent of the raw materials for dust production being the biggest grower of tobacco. – Teddy Molina

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