Backlog at the US Embassy

A major factor why there is such a backlog in processing immigration papers at the US Embassy is the multiple applications of nurses.

Just to make sure (and on the assumption that it will speed up her going to the United States), a nurse applies with several US hospitals through several recruiting agencies. Each hospital pays the filing fee to process the papers of the applying nurse, not knowing that other hospitals are doing the same thing.

Of course, all these filing fees mean added revenues for the US Embassy. At the same time, it means more processing because the Americans don’t know which hospital the nurse favors (hint: The one where she submits all the necessary documents).

By the way, the US is said to have an annual quota of 50,000 nurses (who will enter the US as immigrants). That quota has not been filled up in the last few years.
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Did you know 1: One of the newer uses of coconut is as pure virgin coconut oil. Think EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) and its many uses from salad dressing to preventing stretch marks.

The technology developed by the Philippine Coconut Authority has recently been commercialized by Davao-based Manila Herbal and Essential Oils Co. under the Lanah brand.

The Reyes family-owned Manila Herbal is a sister company of South Davao Development Co., Inc., which produces and distributes fruits under the SunGee brand, and Sirawan Food Corp., which produces fiber-rich coconut flour and coconut breakfast flakes.
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Did you know 2: Executive headhunters are now also looking for independent directors – a requirement of Securities and Exchange Commission chairman Lilia Bautista for publicly listed companies and Bangko Sentral Governor Rafael Buenaventura for commercial banks – for corporate clients.

Right now, the search of independent directors isn’t exactly lucrative, given that headhunters will charge their standard fee of between 15.9 percent and 3.39 percent. (read: There’s still room for negotiations) of the annual earnings of the director.
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Did you know 3: The old gang led by Joel Banares and Rod Castelo have their own consulting business called Syntex. Fact is, some of Mr. Castelo’s paintings – he’s quite good – grace the walls of the office.

As everybody know, Messrs. Banares and Castelo followed Edgardo Espiritu from First Bank (the rehabilitated Associated Bank of Leonardo Ty (to Westmont Bank to the Department of Finance.

No, there are no plans for the gang to follow Ed Espiritu to London, presuming his credentials as Philippine Ambassador to the Court of St. James are accepted this close to the May 2004 presidential elections.

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