
Cebu News

2 Cebuano congressmen voted “Yes” to Divorce Bill

Caecent No-ot Magsumbol - The Freeman
2 Cebuano congressmen voted �Yes� to Divorce Bill
Based on the advisory released by the House of Representatives, there were 131 congressmen who favored House Bill 9349 and among them were Third District Rep. Pablo John Garcia and Fifth District Rep. Duke Frasco.

CEBU, Philippines — Two of 11 Cebuano congressmen voted in favor of the controversial Divorce Bill when the House of Representatives approved it on third and final reading Wednesday evening.

Based on the advisory released by the House of Representatives, there were 131 congressmen who favored House Bill 9349 and among them were Third District Rep. Pablo John Garcia and Fifth District Rep. Duke Frasco.

“I VOTED YES TO THE DIVORCE BILL,” Garcia posted on his Facebook page.

“Divorce does not destroy families, it even protects the integrity of the family structure, especially in cases where a spouse is no longer fit to fulfill their duties as husband or wife. Above all, divorce is NOT UNCONSTITUTIONAL,” Garcia explained.

The rest of the Cebuano congressmen, except for Lapu-Lapu City Lone District Rep. Cindi Chan whose vote could not be ascertained as of press time, voted against the measure. They are Cebu City Representatives Edu Rama (South District) Cutie del Mar (North District); Rep. Emmarie Ouano-Dizon (Mandaue City Lone District); Rep. Rhea Gullas (First District); Rep. Edsel Galeos (Second District); Rep. Janice Salimbangon ( 4th District); Daphne Lagon (6th District); and Peter John Calderon (7th District).

There were a total of 260 congressmen who voted out of the more than 300 members of the House. The record shows a total of 109 voted against the bill with 20 abstentions.

Since the House is currently in sine die adjournment, the records of the House will be updated to reflect the correct results of the voting when the plenary session resumes in July 2024. The controversial House Bill 9349 is principally authored by long-time divorce advocate Rep. Edcel Lagman.

Lagman, based on reports, said that there is now “the imminent liberation for Filipino wives who are entombed in toxic, abusive and long-dead marriages.”

“By legalizing divorce, the Philippines acknowledges the need to provide options for individuals trapped in unhappy and irreparable marriages. This recognition reflects an evolving understanding of the complexities and challenges that can arise within marital unions,” Lagman said.

HB 9349 provides the limited grounds and well-defined judicial procedures for divorce and aims to save children from the pain, stress and agony brought about by their parents’ marital clashes or irreconcilable differences. It also allows divorced spouses the right to marry again for another chance at marital bliss.

Under the bill, troubled couples may file a petition for absolute divorce using the following grounds: 1) legal separation under Article 55 of the Family Code of the Philippines, as modified; 2) annulment of marriage under Article 45 of the Family Code of the Philippines, as modified; 3) separation of the spouses in fact for at least five years at the time the petition for absolute divorce is filed, and reconciliation is highly improbable; 4) psychological incapacity as provided in Article 36 of the Family Code of the Philippines; 5) irreconcilable differences; and 6) domestic or marital abuse to include acts under Republic Act 9262, or the Violence Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004. – /FPL (FREEMAN)

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