
Freeman Cebu Lifestyle

Top local destinations for solo travelers

The Freeman

MANILA, Philippines - There comes a time when you just want to get away from the familiar. The usual places, the usual people and the usual talk can become boring – even suffocating. This usually happens when you are faced with major life issues or when you get so stomped with the day-to-day tedium.

At such times, even the company of loved ones or closest friends won’t help. You want to be in a different environment, to be with the one person you very seldom make the time to be with – yourself. You want to go alone.

Actually, you may go alone. It can be both an exciting and illuminating experience. And you don’t have to go too far.

There are places in the Philippines fit for soul-searching or simply for taking a refreshing ‘deep breath’. In these places, there’s less likelihood of you bumping into someone you know. And so you may face all your truths.

The website www.philippinebeaches.com shares a list of local destinations you may wan to consider:

Coron, Palawan

Palawan is one of the most beautiful islands you can find on the planet. Coron, an islet close to the main island, is attracting backpackers, the type of travelers you won’t have to put up a ‘glossy face’ to. They listen when you talk, and talk if you want to listen.

There are available dorm rooms or small guesthouses at Coron. There are group tours offered; you can still be alone when traveling with people you don’t know. The packages often include the best of what the island has to offer – from the iconic rock formation of Kayangan Lake, to the clean waters of Barracuda Lake, to the beautiful underwater ecosystem of Siete Pecados. If you want to enjoy the beach, book a tour that includes Malcapuya and Banana Island.

Or you may also book a tour to Calauit Safari, a different kind of wildlife conservation area where you get to see zebras and giraffes – in the Philippines! While Coron is a small town, there are spots around where you can be alone. Alone but not lonely.

El Nido, Palawan

It’s another great destination in Palawan. El Nido is fast becoming a world destination. Yet the town has generally retained its laidback character and way of life. The tours being offered usually pack in activities and spots that can make the experience magical in a snap.

If you like swimming, book a tour whose itinerary has the Hidden, Small and Big Lagoon, or Hidden Beach, or Helicopter Island or Snake Island. You will also have the opportunity to enjoy the great views and a delicious lunch on the beach.

Another noteworthy destination at El Nido is Nacpan Beach, especially if you want to go body-surfing, laze on the soft, bone-white-sand beach and get an overlooking view of the two beaches. You may catch the sunset in Las Cabanas to cap off your stay.


Calaguas is fast becoming a popular alternative destination for those who want a bit of rawness in their adventures. The long bus and boat rides to the island is worth it, once you get to walk on the white sand and swim in the cool, glass-like waters. There are many group tours or do-it-yourself groups online to share the expenses with, in order to economize.


The Chocolate Hills, cute tarsiers and Alona Beach are some of the reasons to visit Bohol. Booking an island-hopping tour gives you the chance to not only enjoy the best of the province, but a sense of adventure as well. There are travel agencies in Alona Beach that offer group-sharing tours, which are good for solo travelers.


Okay, Boracay may no longer be fit for soul-searching, considering how popular the place has become with both local and foreign tourists. But it might just be the right place to let out your wild side that you have been trying to contain back home. You might even decide to finally conquer your fear of heights by jumping off a cliff at Ariel’s Point.

Actually, it is still possible to find a quiet spot in Boracay to allow for deep reflection. You can just try to ignore the strangers walking around. Profound thoughts may not be so hard to summon with your feet in one of the whitest and softest sands in the country.

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