Reliable men who will teach others

And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses, entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others. 2 Timothy 2:2

Passing the baton – whether it is on a track, in a boardroom, or in ministry – is not easy, yet there comes a time when it has to be done. Failure to do so may mean that a lifetime legacy will be whittled away. Paul sensed that necessity. From a prison cell in Rome, he wrote to a young man named Timothy.

In his letter, he stressed the importance of boldness in Timothy’s ministry. He urged him to find faithful men who will go with you the last mile for the cause, and who have the ability to teach others. Paul encouraged Timothy to pass along the great truths he had received from God.

Today we might speak in terms of mentoring – training others to do the job with excellence. Jesus called it making disciples. The Greek word for disciple comes from the Greek word for learner. A disciple is a follower who learns from his master/teacher.

Passing the baton in a race is tricky. Unless it is slapped in the hand of the runner and then securely grasped, the process can result in failure. If one drops the baton or stumbles, the race is over!

In passing the baton of leadership, have you noticed that some pass the baton gracefully? They allow younger men to step forward and lead their generation. Others, however, enjoy what they are doing so much that they hold on, thinking that no one can do it quite as well.

As the psalmist declared, “Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, O God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your might to all who are to come” (Psalm 71:18). Answer God’s call to disciple! Wise is the Moses who knows when to empower Joshua and let him lead.


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