Friend or foe?

Now we exhort you, . . . comfort the fainthearted, uphold the weak, be patient with all. — 1 Thessalonians 5:14

During the Boer War (1899-1902), a man was convicted of a very unusual crime. He was found guilty of being a “discourager.” The South African town of Ladysmith was under attack, and this traitor would move up and down the lines of soldiers who were defending the city and do everything he could to discourage them. He would point out the enemy’s strength, the difficulty of defending against them, and the inevitable capture of the city. He didn’t use a gun in his attack. It wasn’t necessary. His weapon was the power of discouragement.

Encouragement, on the other hand, can be a powerful friend. It strengthens the weak, imparts courage to the fainthearted, and gives hope to the faltering. One of the greatest ministries we can have is to lift the spirits of fellow believers.

Many Christians have become weary in their daily conflict with the evil one and are tempted to give up in their spiritual struggle. They need an encouraging word. Pastors and others involved in ministry need expressions of appreciation and the assurance of our prayer support. With discouragement taking its toll, they need encouragement to spur them on.

Encourage someone today!  Richard De Haan

People all around are hurting,

Wounded by discouragement;

God has called us to befriend them,

Bringing His encouragement. — Sper

READ: 1 Thessalonians 5:12-22

A little encouragement can spark a great accomplishment.


The Bible in one year:

• Psalms 133-136

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