

Climate Change: The hoax of the century?


My good friend, Bingen Mendezona emailed me an article written by Pat Buchanan last March 2 entitled, “Hoax of the Century” on the very issue that I featured on my talkshow on Straight from the Sky only last Feb.15 that Climate Change advocates warning us about Global Warming apparently used data that were at best faulty. My guest on that show, Prof. Christopher Go pointed out that last December there was a break in at the University of East Anglia which has now been dubbed “Climategate” that apparently proved that the scientists that the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was giving out erroneous scientific data.

Pat Buchanan said, “In its 2007 report claiming that the Himalayan Glaciers are melting, the UN IPCC relied on a 1999 news story in a Popular Science journal based on pure “speculation,” not supported by any research.”

 The other “hoax’ that has already been exposed is the so-called “Hockey Stick” theory published by Prof. Mike Mann of Pennsylvania State University. The “hockey stick” graph was supposed to reveal the global temperature over the past 1,000 years. The first 900 years showed very little variation, but at the turn of the 20th century, it rises so sharply, the graph resembles a hockey stick.

Former US Vice-President Al Gore bagged a Nobel Prize for his documentary “An Inconvenient Truth”. Unfortunately Al Gore used the same graph from Prof. Mann whose theory has now been exposed as a hoax by other scientists. As Pat Buchanan says, “Dennis Avery of Hudson Institute wrote a decade ago that from A.D. 900 to 1300, the Earth warmed by 4 to 7 degrees Fahrenheit, a period known as the Little Climate Optimum. How horrible was it? The Vikings discovered and settled Greenland around A.D. 950. Greenland was then so warm that thousands of colonists supported themselves by pasturing cattle on what is now frozen tundra.

During this great global warming, Europe built the looming castles and soaring cathedrals that even today stun tourists with their size, beauty and engineering excellence. These colossal buildings required the investment of millions of man-hours — which could be spared from farming because of higher crop yields.” In short, there should have been a sharp rise in the hockey stick graph, but it wasn’t reflected in Prof. Mann’s hockey stick theory.

Pat Buchanan starts his article with another hoax that people have already completely forgotten… about the Darwin Theory. In 1859, he published his paper entitled, “On the Origin of Species.” This sent archaeologists scrambling to find the so-called “Missing Link”. Then in 1912, the famous “Piltdown Man” was discovered in East Sussex in England and the newspapers had a field day declaring in banner headlines “Darwin Theory Proved True.” Today, many people still embrace Darwin’s theory that humans evolved from the apes.

Of course if this were true, then the creation by God of the human race as written in the Bible would be proven wrong and it would have been the end of Christianity or Judaism. The discovery of the Piltdown Man resulted in the knighting of the three scientists who validated that the Piltdown Man was indeed the so-called Missing Link from humans to apes. To be honest, I too believed that Darwin’s theory was never debunked until I read this article.

As Pat Buchanan pointed out in his article, “It wasn’t until 1953, after generations of biology students had been taught about Piltdown Man, that closer inspection discovered that the cranium belonged to a medieval Englishman, the bones had been dyed to look older and the jaw belonged to an orangutan whose teeth had been filed down to look human. The scientific discovery of the century became the hoax of the century.”

As I said, this was the first time I came across a report that debunked Darwin’s Theory. But as far as Climategate is concerned, I have been writing on this already.There are many non-government organizations (NGO) warning the populace that the seas is rising to unprecedented levels, that temperatures have been rising (especially at this times when we have a very hot summer) and that beaches are vanishing and cities near the sea would sink. But in truth, these NGOs use the media to sell their warnings and get funding from many sources, including the UN.

But the truth as started to come out slowly. I gathered that Al Gore would soon be visiting Manila on his tour selling his “An Inconvenient Truth”. Al Gore better be prepared to answer questions from skeptics because there’s just too many unanswered questions coming his way. If he cannot find the answers to these queries, I’d suggest that he change the title of his documentary to “An Embarrassing Truth”.

 The article of Pat Buchanan ends with this statement, “Today’s global warming hysteria is the hoax of the 21st century. H.L. Mencken had it right: “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed — and hence clamorous to be led to safety — by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” So when you hear self-proclaimed environmentalists selling their gloom and doom scenario, you are now armed with the truth that their theories have already been debunked by other scientists who believe that all their cries come from the proverbial boy who cried “Wolf!”

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