

PNP-IAS chief gets six-month suspension for sexual harassment

Elizabeth Marcelo - The Philippine Star
PNP-IAS chief gets six-month suspension for sexual harassment
PNP spokesperson Col. Jean Fajardo confirmed to reporters the receipt of the ombudsman’s suspension order Friday night.
STAR / File

MANILA, Philippines — The Office of the Ombudsman has ordered the six-month suspension without pay of lawyer Alfegar Triambulo, inspector general of Philippine National Police-Internal Affairs Service (PNP-IAS) in connection with a sexual harassment complaint filed by his subordinate, a certain Genevieve Lipura.

PNP spokesperson Col. Jean Fajardo confirmed to reporters the receipt of the ombudsman’s suspension order Friday night.

The 23-page suspension order, signed by Ombudsman Samuel Martires on Nov. 21, was in connection with the complaint of violation of the sexual harassment and safe spaces laws filed by Lipura in September 2022.

In its order, the ombudsman found Triambulo guilty of the administrative offenses of grave misconduct and gross incompetence but dismissed the criminal aspect of the complaint, including the falsification of public documents.

In her complaint-affidavit filed before the ombudsman on Sept. 5, 2022, Lipura said she has been with the IAS for almost 20 years, starting as Planning Officer 1 with salary grade 11 until she was promoted as human resource management officer (HRMO) with salary grade 18 in 2010.

Lipura, however, said that since Triambulo assumed office as the inspector-general of the IAS in 2016, she had been transferred to various units with job description not related to being an HRMO.

Lipura alleged that all her transfers of assignment did not have her consent and despite the fact that she was under a plantilla or station specific employment.

Lipura said that when she was demoted to become a computer operator with salary grade 9, this prompted her to personally talk to Triambulo at a restaurant in Quezon City.

Lipura claimed that during their meeting, Triambulo quipped that whenever he had a girlfriend, he was careful not to get her pregnant.

Lipura alleged that Triambulo also instructed his driver to go ahead without him and suggested that he and Lipura go somewhere else.

Lipura said that she refused Triambulo’s invitation and while the latter was driving her to the PNP Headquarters in Camp Crame, the IAS chief still kept on urging her to come with him somewhere, even saying that she can just take a bath afterward.

Lipura claimed that before she got out of the car, Triambulo asked for a kiss, which she also refused, saying that she has a husband and a child.

On Sept. 20, 2022, the IAS issued a statement backing Triambulo, noting that Lipura’s allegations against Triambulo are unfounded.

“She wants to depose Triambulo to halt the administrative case filed against her for absenteeism,” the IAS said.

The PNP unit pointed out that Triambulo agreed to meet Lipura in a restaurant, wherein she had made the reservation, ordered the food and wine and paid for everything using her credit card.

Lipura’s intention was to discuss her desire to be promoted, which Triambulo refused, according to the PNP unit.

“Lipura started her character assassination and made-up stories when Triambulo rejected her demands regarding her promotion,” the IAS said.

IAS records showed that Lipura was suspended for six months for unuthorized absences. She went AWOL or absent without official leave for nine days and incurred 69 other unauthorized absences.

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