

Task force formed to watch firecrackers' sale

- Rhodina Villanueva -

Senior Superintendent Magtanggol Gatdula has ordered that all illegal firecrackers confiscated by the different units and stations of the Quezon City Police District be immediately brought to Camp Karingal not only for their simultaneous destruction but also to make sure nothing among the items will be pilfered after their confiscation.

According to Gatdula, his policemen had intensified yesterday the crackdown on illegal firecrackers being sold in the city. “We are a partner of the Department of Health in its Oplan Iwas Paputok. We are encouraging everybody not to use these firecrackers in their celebration of the New Year,” he said in an interview.

The QCPD chief said they were eyeing not just the ones included in the list of the DOH but also those that are not prohibited but are being sold by traders without the necessary permits. “Even if they are selling firecrackers that are allowed, they should still secure business permits from the local government,” Gatdula said.

Echiverri advised New Year revelers to light up less firecrackers and instead use alternative and less dangerous noise-makers like trumpets and drums in meeting the new year. “If you can’t really stop the itch, then at least light up a lesser number this New Year’s eve so that you reduce the chances of injuring others or worse yourself,” said the mayor.

Healthy and whole

Echiverri said that complying with this advise is a surefire way of insuring that everyone greets the New Year healthy and whole. He said that many lose their extremities, eyes and other body parts even before the new year comes because of firecrackers. He also said that trumpets and drums are cheaper and safer alternatives. Trumpets which come in all shapes and forms and sizes, don’t cost much while banned firecrackers like the “crying cow,” “dynamite” and “atomic blast” cost between P30 to P50 a piece.

Firecrackers are classified as illegal if they exceed the five-gram limit set by law.

Related to this, the Northern Police District Office urged the public to shy away from cheap but substandard “sparklers” and “baby rockets” as this type of pyrotechnics are known to explode prematurely and cause fires.

NPD director Chief Superintendent Eric Javier requests residents to immediately report to the nearest police station or precincts sellers of banned firecrackers so that appropriate action can be taken against them before they can harm anyone.

Further, the Pasay City government has formed a task force that will oversee the selling of firecrackers in the city.

Pasay City chief of staff Greg Alcera said that members of the task force include the local police, the fire department, health office, Mayor’s Clean Team, Rescue Team and the Special Action Unit. Alcera said that the task force will be checking the items, specifically the firecrackers being sold by both street vendors and those who have permanent stalls.

Alcera said that an official listing of the firecrackers considered illegal are available and it is best for concerned vendors to have a copy being provided by the Department of Interior and Local Government. Among the items prohibited are the lolo thunder, bawang, pla-pla, super lolo, watusi, giant whistle, atomic bomb, piccolo and the big Judas belt.

He added that they have already conducted rounds in a number of areas in Pasay City and that particularly in the Libertad area, yesterday they stumbled upon vendors selling illegal firecrackers which they later confiscated.

Alcera, though, clarified that even before the confiscation of items are done, they already issued ample warnings for the vendors. He said they also wanted to prevent firecracker-related incidents in the city especially that everybody is now gearing up for the New Year. – Reinir Padua, Jerry Botial, Rhodina Villanueva

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