Coffee house chick lit

MANILA, Philippines -For her fourth book, Candy magazine’s assistant lifestyle editor Marla Miniano was inspired by scenes from a coffee house. Her latest work Table for Two tells the unfolding of different love stories, each with its own characters, circumstances, and realities but all with the same hope for a happy ending. All stories also have another element in common: a corner table in the cozy coffee shop Café Carmelo serving as their silent witness. “I’ve always been fascinated with the dynamics of coffee shops,” Miniano shares. “A couple on their first date, young parents with their kids, a girl absorbed in a book, a guy typing away on his laptop — you can guess what they’re thinking, but you can never be too sure, because their definition of life and love isn’t an exact replica of yours.

Table for Two is available in bookstores and magazine stands or wherever Summit Media magazines are sold nationwide for P150.

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