Zen unleashed

The decade has been a doozy. Ten years leave a lot of room for major life changes. I graduated high school, finished college, and joined the rat race of work within this time span. The rush of time seems like a Tazmanian devil spin. And now, I’m faced with what the next adventure that decade will bring.

But for today, I’ll pause and muse for a while, thanks to New Earth’s Eckhart Tolle’s collaboration with Mutts comic creator Patrick McDonnell called Guardians of Being. The book is a fuzzy poetic ode to pets and the joy that they give their owners. McDonnell adds to this warmth with his cutesy illustrations of Jack Russel, Terrier Earl and Millie, the black cat.

Tolle, known for his neozen teachings, wraps up views on living in the present through the furball life that cats live and shows readers that “woof!” is as wise a Buddhist chant. The breezy read tells us how much we humans miss — running through life and missing the good stuff that it can bring can leave us caged. Unlike dogs when walked, they run but embrace how every rock, tree, and blade of grass can amaze them with a wag of a tail. Cats, on the other hand, teach us how there is something deep in silence and stillness. Thus, although leashed, our pets are free at same time because of their ability to enjoy the present, not fuss over the past, or worry about the future.


In summary, Tolle and McDonnell are teaching readers how to live the good life. It is a life of learning how to act without mulling over what could be and living life to the minute. Although easy to remember, it is difficult to do. Guardians of Being is a book to share because the mantras can easily be remembered by just looking at your pets, hearing them bark or purr, and observing how simple their paw view of the world can be. So, I’ll be sharing several woof mantras from Guardians of Being that we can use by simply remembering our furry friends.

 Just as the dog loves to chew bones, the human mind loves its problems. The dog is in the “now” so it can teach you or remind you. You just watch the tail .... with some dogs you just look at them — just a look is enough — and their tail goe s… “Life is good! Life is good!” And they are not telling themselves a story of why life is good. It’s a direct realization.

The human says, “I love myself” or, “I hate myself.” The dog says, ”Woof, woof” which, when translated, means, “I am myself.” I call that integrity — being one with yourself.

Allow your dog to take you for a walk every day. It’s good for the body and it’s good for the soul. Dogs emanate a goodness that people respond to. One of the joys of walking your dog is that often, people come up to you and immediately their hearts open. They are not interested in you, of course. They want to pat your dog.

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“Guardians of Being” is available at National Book Store.

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E-mail me at readnow@supreme.ph.

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