An amazing life with Sarah Geronimo

MANILA, Philippines - At the age of 21, Sarah Geronimo is poised to become one of the Philippines’ most successful female singers. As our very own “Popstar Princess,” Sarah is like Britney Spears before the crazy with the wholesome element of Carrie Underwood and a much better vocal range than the two combined. But why compare her to anyone else when she’s transforming, right before our eyes, into a much more interesting creature? Slowly she is breaking away from the teenybopper mold and experimenting with more “adult” songs like Jai Ho and Poker Face on ASAP (minus the overt hip gyrations, but sexy nonetheless). She’s also become quite the fashion ingenue, landing on the cover of Preview and naming Rajo Laurel, Rhett Eala and Cary Santiago as some of her favorite designers.

Selling out concerts in LA and San Francisco to very appreciative Filipino audiences who ply her with gifts like stuffed toys and perfumes, Sarah represents the best of Philippine talent: stringent dedication to her career grounded by a humble and God-centered outlook. Sure, she may have missed out on a lot of typical youth things as a child performer — she first sang onstage at a mall show when she was just two — and cites “camping” as something she wishes she had experienced as a kid. She also claims that she isn’t allowed to date, as she (and her family, natch) are not ready yet, and hopes that whoever becomes her first boyfriend will also be her last. In the meantime, she indulges her romantic side with the Twilight series and vicariously falls in love through Edward and Bella.

She dreams to conquer the international stage and has always dreamed that she would one day get to meet her idol, Michael Jackson. Like every other kid in the world, she grew up singing and dancing to his music. Like every other kid who grew up and one day woke to the news of his death, she was devastated, and the slim chance that she had of meeting him — being part of the same giant entertainment machinery — was gone.

This December she’ll be releasing her first Christmas album called “Christmas Girl,” remakes of OPM and traditional songs; this will be followed by her sixth studio album titled “Sarah Geronimo: Music and Me”. This amazing young woman is also the new endorser of Vaseline’s Healthy White lotion, a skin lightening lotion that works by providing your skin with Vitamin B3 which protects it from sunlight, and yogurt serum to moisturize skin and keep it soft. Here, she shares her thoughts on beauty and what it means to be amazing.


Describe your beauty regimen.

I don’t really have one. All I do is wash my face day and night and whenever I feel like it’s needed. I use the product that best suits my skin type and I never go to sleep with any makeup on my face.

How much time do you give to pampering your skin and your body?

Honestly, because of my busy schedule the only time I have right now to pamper my skin and body is during bath time. It usually takes like an hour or an hour and a half at the most. I make sure I put on my favorite Vaseline lotion afterwards.

What’s the best beauty advice you’ve received?

Learn to love yourself and feel beautiful because you really are, no matter what they say. We were all created by God with love and beauty.

Who do you consider the most beautiful man/woman/ person? Why?

I consider my father as the most beautiful man and my mother as the most beautiful woman because of their unconditional love and unfailing guidance.

What are your thoughts on cosmetic surgery/ laser treatments? Will you ever consider it?

I am not against any kind of cosmetic surgery or other treatments but people who consider it should know how much is enough. It can become an addiction that may turn into a nightmare.

How do you keep fit and healthy?

I make sure I eat a balanced diet and that I exercise regularly.

Any beauty secrets you’d like to share?

I don’t really have beauty secrets to share, but I do believe that true beauty reflects in your aura when you do good things to other people and when you have inner peace and true happiness. Never forget that you are a child of God by whom you are most loved and that you were created in his image and likeness.


Are you easily amazed?

I am easily amazed. I am a simple person who finds happiness in simple but sincere deeds.

What’s the most amazing thing a guy can do for you?

The most amazing thing a guy can for to me would probably be winning my family’s heart.

Most amazing song/piece of music you’ve heard?

For me, the most amazing song I’ve heard is Michael Jackson’s Man in the Mirror.

Most amazing book or story you’ve read?

The Bible.

Most amazing film you’ve seen?


Most amazing thing you’ve tasted?


Most amazing place you’ve visited?


Most amazing thing you’ve ever worn?

A head-worn microphone.

Most amazing thing you’ve ever done as an actress/singer?

Performing with a bad fever in a concert.

Most amazing thing you own?

Our home.

Most amazing thing about being you?

My passion for music.

Most amazing person you’ve met?

Regine Velasquez.

Do you have an amazing, unusual/ strange skill?

I can make my ears move.

Your most amazing physical quality?

My smile — heh, heh.

What’s the one thing that never fails to amaze you?

God’s love.

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