Taking education outside the classroom

MANILA, Philippines - Inside the classroom, students learn their ABCs, 123s, etc. The traditional setting enables students to learn from lectures, lab work, and discussions. But they say that the best education one can have is through travel. There’s the thrill of exploring unchartered territory, discovering new sights, tasting new flavors, experiencing new things. Indeed, travel unlocks the richness and beauty of this planet we call home.

Just ask the students of Fountain International School. Being an international school, students are more comfortable interacting with different nationalities. This rich cultural exposure is further enhanced by travels to other countries. So far, students have been to Turkey, Singapore, and Australia. Early this year, students went to Thailand, a nation which boasts a colorful ethnic diversity.

During the students’ visit to Thailand, they were able not only to savor the country’s sights, food, and sounds, but also to have a feel of Thai education. A day at Siriwat Wittaya Bilingual School in Bangkok, an affiliate of Fountain International School, provided Fountain International School students a glimpse of everyday school life in Thailand.

Education is a life-transforming experience. While teaching students about the world provides them a taste of the real world, inspiring them to explore beyond their borders opens doors to great opportunities, learning, and a deeper appreciation of life.

For more information, visit www.fis.edu.ph or www.icad.org.ph. Or call 723-7307 to 08 for high school inquiry and 724-2177 for any elementary concerns.

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