Buteyko relieves sleep disorders

In the past few years, doctors have identified more than 100 sleep disorders. One of them is obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS), sometimes known as the condition of fragmented sleep.

This condition, an increasingly common major medical problem today, is often associated with hypertension, heart problems, stroke, obesity, breathing problems, sexual dysfunction, and clinical depression.

A dysfunctional breathing pattern is mostly overlooked when treating apnea, yet according to Russian respiratory specialist Dr. Konstantin Buteyko, this is actually the root cause of the problem.

A clinically acknowledged breathing retraining program, Buteyko’s Method has been found to relieve sufferers from sleeping disorders like apnea and snoring, as well as some 200 other conditions related to dysfunctional breathing, including asthma, allergies, stress/anxiety, and respiratory diseases.

“Overbreathing is a major contributing factor to a number of health conditions due to the imbalance caused by excessive loss of carbon dioxide,” says senior Australian Buteyko practitioner Jac Vidgen, who resumes his lectures and workshops in Manila this month. Subsequently, less oxygen is delivered to the cells, blood chemistry is disturbed, and constriction of the body’s smooth vessels can occur.

Vidgen conducts regular workshops in Manila, Bangkok, and Hong Kong since he first introduced Buteyko in these countries in 1993.

For more information, call 893-1893 or 0919-6356060, e-mail jacvid@gmail.com; log on to www.buteykoasia.com.

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